I am currently working on learning four chapters’ worth of material for a regular exam (#8 for the semester) which I need to take this week, and then on Monday, I have a cumulative final.
Normally we only have two chapters of material for each exam, so four chapters is feeling like….a lot.
I don’t know why they set it up this way; perhaps a trial by fire to weed people out?
I read yesterday that only 50% of people nationwide pass Anatomy and Physiology 1 on their first try, and I am not surprised, especially if students are taking it in conjunction with other classes.
Anyway! I’ve been busy studying, and I don’t even know if I have five frugal things to list. Lemme see what I can come up with.
1. Zoe, and I worked on leaf clean-up
I paid Zoe for her time (this is an above-and-beyond chore since we have a zillion oak trees!), but it was still way cheaper than hiring someone else.
And I’d rather pay Zoe anyway.
2. I found a $20 discount code for a gift.
I can’t tell you what it is because the recipient sometimes pops by here. 😉
3. I got some deals on an Old Navy order
Both Lisey and I needed some new masks (pretty sure they will be required next semester too!) so I ordered two packs from Old Navy because I love the ear adjusters.
I had a $38 credit, mainly from taking advantage of the Old Navy credit card reward offers, and I added a few other things to my cart to bump my order up to the $50 free shipping level.
4. I used a Starbucks credit to get hot chocolate after tree shopping

Haven’t gotten around to the ornaments yet!
We went out and bought a Christmas tree last night, and it’s sort of a tradition for us to go get hot chocolate afterward.
I had a $10 Starbucks card in my account from my Erie YourTurn Rewards, so I used that toward the drinks.
5. I filled up my gas tank at Royal Farms to earn points
Their gas is usually a good price, and if you pay with their card, you earn points which you can redeem for things like a free family pack of fried chicken or free chocolate bars.
Ok! Nothing earth-shaking, but I made it to five.
Condo Blues
Friday 10th of December 2021
1. I'm currently snacking on as I type. raw pumpkin seeds tossed in olive oil and Everything But the Bagel seasoning from the Halloween pie pumpkin I used to make Thanksgiving pie. So good! 2. I made some unexpected tips filling in for a No Call No Show at one of the hot chocolate booths for a few hours during the Yuletide Village event I perform at. 3. Used the surprise extra cash to offset the cost of the metal lantern filled with fairy lights I planned to buy from one of the Yuletide booths so I can see where I'm going in the dark and as an advertisement for that small business booth. They also extended me a small courtesy discount which was unexpected. 4. I wrapped all of our Christmas presents in boxes I save and reuse in my box of gift boxes and paper bags, cloth gift bags I made from leftover ribbon and scraps of fancy costuming fabric, and a couple in wrapping paper I've had forever and rarely use and paper bows I made (all fully recyclable here if I can't stick in back in the gift wrapping box for reuse next year.) 5. With all of our gift shopping finished, I don't have to step foot in a store for anything other than groceries! I'll probably do an Instantcart Aldi order for that when needed to further resist the tempation to buy any cool extra things like 50 million clever Special Buy cheeses
Friday 10th of December 2021
Hahah, your first sentence could be read to mean that you put the seasoning in your pumpkin pie. That would really be something! Imagine sesame seeds, onion, and garlic in your pumpkin pie.
What do you perform at the Yuletide village?
Rachel R.
Wednesday 8th of December 2021
Hang in there this busy, tiring month! God’s got you.
Wednesday 8th of December 2021
Your Christmas tree is just lovely! What a pretty shape.
Wednesday 8th of December 2021
Five frugal things is going to be hard this week: 3 kids got second covid shot, and the 2 adults got the booster in a matter of 48 hours.
1. Didn't get to go grocery shopping as planned on the day I got my booster (a lot of things did not go according to plan). Instead of eating out we had PBJs with fruit and veggies for dinner.
2. Didn't buy glasses at my eye doctor (insurance doesn't cover glasses), but got my new prescription to purchase them somewhere else for cheaper.
3. Purchased most Christmas gifts ahead of time so that I didn't feel rushed into buying the fastest thing (which generally is more expensive in my experience). Children helped make gifts for respite care provider and teachers and aides.
4. Thrifted several baskets for my basket wall, spending about $30 on 7 baskets.
5. Decorated our home with Christmas decorations we already had plus some paper chains that the kids helped me make. We have a home that would look really good with fresh pine boughs and other Christmasy things, but have chosen to be content with what we have and enjoy simple crafts with kids.
Wednesday 8th of December 2021
Good luck on your finals Kristen! I can only recall a frugal fail this week: I bought a book only to discover I had put it on hold at the library a few months ago and forgot about it. It was so popular it literally took months to get to my reservation.
We did cook our own meals however, as usual.
Wednesday 8th of December 2021
Oh man, I have done that before and it is so annoying!