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It’s time.

You guys, this is the current state of my kitchen freezer.

messy kitchen freezer

This is ridiculous.

Especially because I have a chest freezer in my laundry room.

It’s slightly tempting to just dump all of this in the chest freezer, but I’m scared that if I do that, I’ll never manage to get to it all!


It’s time to bring this ridiculousness to an end, so I’m challenging myself to use up all of this food in the next two weeks.

I know many bloggers do pantry challenges, where they try to buy nothing new and just eat up what they have in the house. And maybe if I lived on my own, I could pull that off.

But I think there might be some mutiny in my family if I try to serve up meals based solely off of what’s in the house.

So, I’m doing the sensible thing and allowing myself to buy whatever ingredients I need in order to use up the things that are residing in my freezer.

(I think some of you have done pantry challenges this way, right?)

Of course, I have things in my chest freezer that really need to be eaten as well, but I’m just gonna tackle the smaller freezer first, and then I’ll think about the large one.

(Gotta keep this manageable.)

Part of the problem is some very poor organization, so today my plan is to pull out all of the food so I know what I’ve got, and then I’ll put it back in a neat, accessible fashion.

I’ll share the inventory tomorrow.

Wish me well! And if your freezer is a little out of hand, join me. We can cheer each other on.   😉

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    Tuesday 7th of October 2014

    OMG I really need to do this! Thanks for the idea! Sometimes I buy food just because I don't feel like defrosting it but I have to change my bad habits with baby #2 on the way.


    Saturday 4th of October 2014

    My update is hilarious! As I pushed myself to use up all the little bits up for things like soups and casseroles, etc., I made many lovely huge and double meals. Thus I filled my freezer up with even more larger items for future meals (ie freezer meals for future). Not frustrating as it's all useful and no waste; but so funny!


    Thursday 18th of September 2014

    Wow! That is a crazy mess and looks exactly like my crazy freezer. I have been hosting freezer meal swaps and have nowhere to put the meals anymore. I am going to use this as inspiration to clean out my own freezer!

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Wednesday 17th of September 2014

    My freezer is similar - and I share it with my housemate and my stuff keeps falling into her section.

    I'm under-employed at the moment (working one day a week but for an awesome hourly rate), so am trying to use that as a reason to eat up what I have in the house! I think I could go quite a while only buying fresh fruit and veggies.

    Good luck with your challenge!


    Wednesday 17th of September 2014

    OMG I am doing the exact same thing with my side by side freezer However the put back in organized manner failed slightly I have the same objective but unfortunately some items should be in my (34 yr old) 20 cu ft chest freezer in the garage Mind you, we also have a refrigerator with freezer in the garage. New plan of attack is to replace the chest freezer with same size standup freezer. Ouch how to do so when chest freezer is full to the top. Just completed canning & freezing for the winter surplus plus holding some items for my daughter to take. Anxious to hear how your plan works.

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