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I’ve been tagged!

The lovely Mrs. Green of My Zero Waste has tagged me. This particular tag requires me to post six interesting things about myself and tag six other bloggers.

I don’t know if I can come up with six, but I’ll try.

1. I got married when I was 19 to my darling husband, who was my very first boyfriend. No one of the male persuasion was interested in me while I was in high school, and I was sure I was going to be an old maid. 😉

2. Oh dear…I’m having trouble already and I’m only on number 2! Ummm…I used to be a terribly crabby girl when I was about four or five. I was so cranky and unpleasant, my mom had me cut out happy faces from a magazine and paste them on cards, which had Bible verses about being cheerful on them(like, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful”.) Apparently it worked, because I am now a very upbeat, cheerful person most of the time.

3. Two of the four cars I’ve owned have been totaled due to someone else running into me.

4. I was homeschooled all the way through high school, except for kindergarten, which I attended at a private Christian school. I homeschool my own kids too, although only two of them are old enough right now(Sonia will start next fall, when she’s five).

5. I’ve been teaching piano since I was 14, so I’ve been doing it for over half of my life(I’m 30 now).

6. I really like to take pictures, especially portraits and macro shots(closeups, like a lot of the pictures I take for this blog). I post some of my pictures(on a very random basis!) on my photo blog.

Now, who to tag…..(and please know I won’t be offended if you decide to ignore this!)

1) Rachel at Modern Mommyhood
2) Shasta at Crackers and Chaos
3) H at Making up for Past Mistakes
4) Frugal Dreamer
5) Jessica at Snarky Lady
6) Bethany at Coffee and Conversations

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    Monday 24th of November 2008

    Thanks for the tag! I will have to think of my 6 interesting things and post them asap!


    Saturday 22nd of November 2008

    I did the tag!

    I love that you homeschool and that you yourself enjoyed being homeschooled. I've often thought that I might have to do this with Taj, he's super smart but we've had so many behavior problems with him at school. Sometimes I think it might work out better to homeschool. He seems to do so much better with one on one attention.


    Saturday 22nd of November 2008

    I played. Happy Weekend!

    Anna G.

    Saturday 22nd of November 2008

    I was tagged on Facebook to list 16 random things about myself... I wish it were only 6! It really is difficult to think of things.

    I'm interested in learning more about homeschooling but I don't know where to start. I worry that I wouldn't teach Kait everything she needs to know. I'm thinking that maybe I'll just supplement her education during the summer and school breaks. Do you have any good resources you can point me to?


    Saturday 22nd of November 2008

    Thanks Kristen! Now you know my name as well ;)

    I posted my interesting things today!

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