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Just a post to say…

…that there will be no real post today. It was a crazy busy day, and I’m too exhausted to type out a coherent post. My son has a friend over for his birthday and we’ve been busy doing fun stuff all day. And of course, that means I’m really behind on all the normal work that I do. His friend is leaving tomorrow, though, so I should get caught up at least some tomorrow.

I know you all were dying to hear what I had to say about line-drying, but you’ll just have to wait another 24 hours. Don’t be TOO sad. 😉

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    Saturday 6th of September 2008

    Is it possible to tap your foot patiently???

    Lou, we're heading off for a vacation next Saturday! So hopefully there will be some rest involved with that(although, the kids are coming so I'm not sure how much rest there will be!).

    Annie's Granny

    Saturday 6th of September 2008

    Tapping foot....waiting patiently.


    Saturday 6th of September 2008

    I'm glad to hear that you do occasionally take a day off!! Now the next step is to take a day (or even just part of one) for yourself. All work & no play makes Kristen a weary frugal girl.

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