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Just popping in to say…

I’m busy crossing stuff off of my bucket list.

I may not have painted Joshua’s bed yet, but yesterday we did go berry picking.

pick your own strawberries

And in a fit of unusually-fun-mom-ness, I also said yes to swimming yesterday afternoon.

A kid doing a cannon ball into a pool.

A girl diving into a pool.

Kristen jumping into a swimming pool.

And I’ve got more bucket-list-crossing-off to do today too.   😉

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    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    Blueberry season starts next month here in New Hampshire. Last year my then 12-month-old loved picking berries. I was impressed she figured it out. Of course, they all went in her mouth. :) I cannot wait to she how much she'll enjoy this year when she understands more. Plus, her little brother is old enough that he might get the hang of it too.

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    It's really motivating to have to-do-list, you feel more productive each day. I can't wait to take our girls to the pool too! The heat of the summer here starts rolling. We wanted our girls experience berry picking too but the farm who offers this didn't yield much berries due to the late freeze that hit our state.

    lyle @ the Joy of Simple

    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    Hey Kristen...looks like it was a fun day!

    The only berry picking I do is when I visit the local farmers market in my area. But that's ok with me.

    Thanks for sharing and take care :)



    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    Mmmm, strawberries. I've been harvesting and freezing this week. I also made some strawberry-rhubarb jam over the weekend, mostly so I could take some to my father-in-law, but we had a few jars leftover which are being thoroughly enjoyed by all. If we get enough strawberries, maybe by next week, I'll make our favorite summer dessert, strawberry sorbet. Very refreshing and light.

    Looks like your summer is off to a great start, Kristen!


    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    It is so deadly hot out even the pool wasn't terrible refreshing yesterday. I'll still take a pool day any day!


    Wednesday 18th of June 2014

    Yeah...the weather here is definitely feeling like summer now. The pool we swam in yesterday is always a little on the chilly side, but it felt good on a hot day!

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