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Just some stuff.

First up, UTCanner is the winner of the Swagbucks giveaway. Congrats! Your 5000 Swagbucks should already be in your account.
My deck railing currently looks a little different than it did in yesterday’s photos.

snowy deck railing

I’m super grateful two of my girls were feeling well enough to go play in the snow for a little while.



Zoe even managed to make a small snowman, despite the powdery consistency of the snow.

We couldn’t come up with anything for the eyes until I spied an avocado skin in the compost bucket and realized with a little trimming, it would make perfectly good eyes.


And Zoe had the great idea to use the avocado skin trimmings to make a cute mouth.

snowman with avocado eyes


If you follow me on Instagram (I’m thefrugalgirl), you know I just discovered puddle pictures.

(seriously so much fun.)

I tried it with my real camera yesterday, though, and decided it’s a little more difficult with something other than a point and shoot.



I made two loaves of French bread on Monday.

homemade french bread

We used one for Beef au Jus sandwiches (I had some in the freezer, so, yay!), and the other became the base for panini last night.

French bread tastes stupid delicious for how few ingredients are involved and it has so many uses.   I’ve made it countless times, which means I can do it completely from memory at this point.


When I was in Aldi the other day, I picked up their latest flyer and saw this:

aldi promises


Also, I saw promises of even more organic products, which is freaking fantastic.


Lastly, yesterday afternoon I wrote about Schoola’s Pass the Bag challenge, which they’re running to encourage us all to donate our outgrown, unused clothes to help support schools.

schoola pass the bag challenge

Donating is super easy and it costs you nothing to mail your items in.   Go read all about it!

Plus, Schoola is offering a new something-something in the spring, which you can read about in the post.

(Psst….Reese! Based on your comment yesterday, you’re going to chuckle at what the new thing is.   You were already ahead of them. ;))


That’s enough from me on this hump day…how’s your week going?  

Share some stuff in the comments! I love hearing what’s happening with you all.


Don't throw your bread away!

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    Monday 12th of January 2015

    Kiddos look so much older, all bundled up.... I wish we weren't so sick that we can play in our snow...

    Vicki F.

    Saturday 10th of January 2015

    Sorry I am behind on emails, but I wanted to thank you. I won the 5000 swagbucks (UTcanner), and I was so excited! I wondered at first why my total had jumped. lol I have ordered a gift card, and it will help me buy some diapers for my baby granddaughter. And maybe something fun for myself. :)


    Wednesday 7th of January 2015

    I'm glad some people at your house are starting to feel better! Very cute snowman, and good use of on-hand supplies :)

    Diane C

    Wednesday 7th of January 2015

    I have seen several articles about Aldi's in the last week or so. I think of you every time I read about their wonderful-ness. I wish I had one in my world (SF Bay Area), but I do pretty well with 99 Only, Grocery Outlet and Costco.

    Last week we were in Palm Desert, CA. We arrived late, so we shopped at the nearest supermarket (Stater Brothers). I was gobsmacked at the prices! Literally standing in the aisle with my mouth open. Then a staff person with a mop tried to push me out of her way. Seriously, you charge these kind of prices and expect the customers to move out of your way? Wow, it was an expensive and eye-opening experience. OTOH, it was cheaper than eating out, but what a different universe!


    Wednesday 7th of January 2015

    I just gotta say: That is the most adorable snowman I have EVER seen! Totally made me smile seeing that this afternoon. :) Great work, ladies!!


    Wednesday 7th of January 2015

    Ah, thanks! I passed your compliment on to Zoe. :)

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