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My keyboard is having issues.

Good Thursday morning to you!

Yesterday, my old, old, old trusty keyboard started giving me issues.   A few letters, which I didn’t think I used all that often, have given up the ghost, and they don’t seem to be fixable.

(Now I realize I use those letters all the time!)

I’m pretty sad, since I loved my keyboard, and they don’t make one exactly like it anymore.

microsoft ergonomic keyoard

I ordered this similar one, though, and I’m super anxious for it to arrive because blogging like this is pretty terrible.

(I keep having to use spell check to fix the words, or I have to copy and paste the missing letters from other sources!   And one of the missing letters is in my password, which means logging in is problematic.)

Luckily, we have Amazon Prime, which means my keyboard should arrive very soon.   The site says Monday, but, not gonna lie, I’m holding out hope for a speedier delivery. 😉


In other news, our Luxi mattress arrived, and tonight should be our first night sleeping on it.

Luxi - The Luxi Mattress - Mozilla Firefox 7132016 105535 PM

We have low-ish expectations for how tonight will go, given that it takes time to adjust to a new mattress.   Once we’ve had time to get used to it and tweak the layers to find the jusssst-right firmness level, I’ll let you know what we think!

(We purchased our mattress with our own money…this isn’t a sponsored mention.)


Several of you wondered if you end up getting duplicates over time when you subscribe to the Mighty Fix.   I’ve been subscribed for almost a whole year now, and I’ve never gotten a repeat item.

Mighty Fix Review | The Frugal Girl

And even though I already owned a fair number of eco-friendly items, there’s been only one time I’ve received an item I owned already (it was mesh produce bags).

I’ve gotten metal containers, natural sunscreen, a glass water bottle, silicone lids, organic washcloths, Lunchskins, and more.   They really do mix it up nicely, and you don’t have to worry that you’ll suddenly end up with 15 water bottles.

lunchskins mighty nest

Click here if you’d like to snag your set of two reusable Lunchskins for just $3.

There’s no risk or obligation, and $3 is a really, really awesome price for the Lunchskins.   Plus there’s free shipping!


And that’s all I’ve got for now.

I think I’m gonna switch to the laptop for typing tomorrow’s post because good heavens, typing on a broken keyboard is for the birds.

(Hurry up, Amazon truck!!)

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    Sherrill Hewins

    Saturday 20th of August 2016

    I'm a little bit of a computer nerd. I pick up used keyboards and other components at yardsales. I always have a few in stock.


    Friday 12th of August 2016

    Mighty nest. I have been a member since the water bottle. To day have not gotten a double. (some things I am hoping I will receive) so far, water bottle, mesh produce, bee wax covers, natural sun screen, wool dryer balls (love these) organic wash clothes, 4 Cup CollapseIt bowl, I think they should offer the things on the sign up to those who are members already! the two I have seen so far, I would like to have.

    Mrs. Picky Pincher

    Friday 12th of August 2016

    Oh gosh, it's like losing a dear friend lol! Hopefully the replacement keyboard comes soon enough.

    Let us know how the Luxi mattress works out! I've been wanting to upgrade to a king-sized bed and I'm looking around for different options that don't require high-pressure mattress stores.

    Brook Hart

    Friday 12th of August 2016

    The keyboard problem is so frustrating. I dealt with it on my new laptop for a year before it was fixed. The whole unit crashed two weeks after it was repaired. I imagine the extended warranty will refund the price and we will pick up a new unit to use as a Xmas present for my daughter. Due to school work, I had to replace mine immediately. I do not usually purchase extended warranties but am so happy to have had it on this computer and my totaled car. I am excited to hear the review on the mattress. We have the need to replace ours and I am hoping this may be a solution. Buying a mattress is more complicated than any other purchase I ever make. Also plan on signing on board to the next deal on the reusable products.


    Friday 12th of August 2016

    In the mean time for the new keyboard to arrive, maybe the built-in On Screen Keyboard (for Windows, that is; I don't know if OS X has one?) might be easier to help you press those missing keys ?

    Also, sometimes, taking the keyboard apart and popping out the keys so you can access the board itself and perhaps checking what might go wrong and/or cleaning might help (usually some simple screws in the bottom; take a picture of the keys first so it'll be easy to put them back in the correct order).

    Thank you for your great blog always so inspiring (even read from France ;-))


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