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Kitchen Happenings

If you visited, you might see:


Daily stacks of schoolwork waiting for correction

Roasted carrots (which Sonia and I can polish off in a jiffy.)

Baking with Lisey


People using those watercolors

Imitations of Georgia O’Keefe’s watercolor paintings

A stack of whole wheat pancakes….

….waiting to be eaten.

Oranges, sliced, “Grandpa’s way.”

(This is the favorite way to eat oranges ever since they had them this way at my parents’ house.)

And lastly, you might see grilling happening. In December. In the rain.

(the weather has a nasty habit of being rainy on days when I’ve planned a grilled meal.)

What’s been happening in your kitchen?

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    Thursday 20th of December 2012

    Are you grilling Cook's chicken fajitas? I LURVE that recipe, its one I make over and over again. I love it with red onions too.


    Thursday 20th of December 2012

    Yes, indeedy! So good.


    Wednesday 12th of December 2012

    It almost always rains on us too when I have a "grill" night scheduled ! My husband says if we need the rain, just ask him to grill something :)


    Wednesday 12th of December 2012

    Was that bacon I saw on the pizza? My son would love to try anything with bacon on it (maybe even salad!) Pancakes and bacon sounds like a tasty quick meal after karate tonight. I might even try slicing the oranges "Grandpa's way."


    Wednesday 12th of December 2012

    I loved reading all of the other responses to your question! In my kitchen right now you would see chicken tortilla soup I made after work today which is keeping warm on the stove until my husband gets home from work, a crust I just made for a cheesecake that I will bake tomorrow for a holiday potluck at work and a few dirty dishes in the sink.... happy holidays kristen and thank you for keeping up such a wonderful blog!


    Wednesday 12th of December 2012

    the only thing thats been happening in my kitchen is nursing a 3 day old newborn and eating friends' cooking!! lol....not cooking much right now at all =)


    Wednesday 12th of December 2012

    I think you have a VERY valid excuse for not cooking. ;) Enjoy your little one!

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