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Know what’s nice about photography?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

You have a simple way of looking back and seeing progress.

When it comes to a skill like playing an instrument, it’s a little more difficult to see growth, because you can’t put you-from-five-years-ago next to you-from-now.

But with photography, you can!

Last night, I made Hibachi Chicken and Shrimp, and I remembered that the original recipe photo was a little lacking.   So I set the skillet on my wooden cutting board, next to the sliding glass door, and took a few quick shots before we ate.

How to make Hibachi Chicken and Shrimp at home

This photo also was a quick one before we ate, back in 2008.   But it, uh, has some issues.

bad food photo

(blurry zucchini, yellow color cast, artificial light, focal point in the wrong spot….)

Sometimes I feel like my photography skills aren’t improving at all, which is why I appreciate comparisons like this.   They remind me that yup, even if it feels slow, I really am making progress.

Also of note: it’s helpful to compare the now-you with the then-you, rather than comparing the now-you with anyone else.   If I compare my work to other photographers, I can feel discouraged.   But when I compare my now work with my back-then work, it’s so much more encouraging!

P.S. Yesterday I tried a recipe for homemade Yum Yum sauce, which took this dish to a whole new level. Soo, I added the yum yum sauce link to the hibachi chicken and shrimp post.

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    Wednesday 9th of September 2015

    Great photo, well it certainly makes me want to eat it Kristen xx

    Wednesday 9th of September 2015

    I am just getting started in photography, but I love going back and changing old photos on my blog. It is amazing what even 6 months difference makes. I have learned a lot in just a few short months.


    Wednesday 9th of September 2015

    Yes! It's so rewarding, isn't it?


    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    I think a gray toned carpet would be very nice. I would avoid a solid though. No matter how high of quality, a solid color shows more wear and tear, and is hard to hide a stain. My sister in law convinced me not to get a solid and I am so thankful. With kids and pets, it has been a lifesaver!! My carpet has several shades of brown, some burgundy, and even some deep green. You don't really notice the burgundy, or green, unless you are laying on the carpet, but the varying colors have hidden the few stains that I haven't been completely able to remove. After 9 years people still ask if our carpet is new. Good luck on the stair quotes!


    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!! I can SO relate to this! :-)

    Diane C

    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    You forgot to mention, lovelier pan! Another sign of progress, lol!


    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    Ooh, yes. A sign of more birthdays/Christmases gone by (those usually include pan upgrades for me. Ha.)

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