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Let the decluttering begin!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Actually, I have two pictures today…a before and after.

Every summer, I make an effort to declutter my house from top to bottom.   Try as I might to avoid it, during our homeschool year things slowly get messier and messier, and by the time summer rolls around, we’re in need of some organization!

I tackled the kids’ bathroom this past weekend.

bathroom cabinet before declutter

I cleaned out the drawers, cabinet, and wall cabinet, and it is so, so much better in there now.

bathroom cabinet after declutter

Remember how I put my honey bottle in a cream cheese container to prevent drips?   Well, we’re trying the same idea with mouthwash, except I’m using a Chinese takeout container.

I can’t wait for this level of order to spread around my house.   😉

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    Thursday 22nd of May 2014

    Oh I love a bit of decluttering. As a recovering sentimental hoarder ;) it's one of my now favourite topics. The brilliance of decluttering is that the clearing of physical space has so many benefits that unless you do it it isn't really that easy to understand. I emotionally and mentally feel lighter when I know what is in my cupboards - and that the items are actually needed. Oh and as for my fridge - well that's old news. I declutter 20 things each day as well as doing massive culls. This works well!


    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    Those are some great tips for preventing drips. I may have to do that at my house.

    Stephanie L

    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    I love the honey idea! I have molasses on a coaster in the cabinet, and I have a beyond beat-up rimmed cookie sheet under my sink and keep the drippable stuff (dishwashing liquid) on it.


    Tuesday 20th of May 2014

    Thanks to you I now have my honey in a container as well!

    I also started saving the styrofoam trays we get discount produce on and put them under my sink for my oil, vinegar and dishwasher detergents. They are the prefect size and when they get messy I just put a new one under!


    Tuesday 20th of May 2014

    Wow, a little scary with the chemicals so close to stuff that is meant to go in the mouth! Otherwise, looks good! I love to organize - just don't do it often enough!


    Wednesday 28th of May 2014

    I"m pretty sure those are old toothbrushes for cleaning with. They are not the current ones that they use to brush their teeth with.

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