Apologies for the lack of a post yesterday. Usually I put together Q&A posts on Sundays, but on Sunday, I went to church, made lunch, put together a photo calendar for grandma, made dinner, went to a sister church to play some Christmas songs for my mom’s choir, came home, and went to bed.
And yesterday, I was just busy doing life, and didn’t have time to do a Q&A post. On that note, I’ll try to keep things going around here for the rest of the month, but I may miss a day here or there due to Christmas busyness. So, don’t worry that some terribly tragedy has struck me if I don’t blog…I’m probably just baking cookies. 😉
Anyway, I thought it might be fun to just share some peeks into my life over the past week or so. It’s nothing fantastic or amazing…just life right here.
I’ve been:
drinking tea.
folding laundry.
listening to Christmas music on Pandora, using our handy-dandy little speaker because the laptop speakers aren’t too fabulous. (edit: Jinger asked, and we got the speaker from Amazon..it’s the Altec Lansing Speaker for MP3 Players And that’s my affiliate link, just so ya know!)
making hot chocolate mix.
realizing again just how much more appetizing drink mixes look if you run them through the food processor first (unprocessed on the left, processed on the right).
hanging up Christmas lights in the freezing cold weather. Usually we can find a warm day for this task, but no luck this year!
ripping the dead flowers out of my front-door pots to make room for lights.
Why do we put lights on the pots? Because the light strands are never quite the right length for either side of our house, so we just let the extras pool in the door-side pots. We’re such perfectionist light-hangers.
wishing that extension cords were a little bit more beautiful. They kinda mess up the light bokeh.
experimenting with a different gift bag design.
(the bottom was supposed to be perfectly round. But the lovely thing about making gift bags from re-purposed fabric is that turning out an imperfect bag is no great loss. And despite the non-roundness of the bottom, the bag does work pretty well.)
baking (duh).
playing Christmas music…at church, at a nursing home, by myself, and with my violinist friend.
enjoying the fabulous make-ahead quality of Cook’s Illustrated’s Thin Crust Pizza…perfect for throwing into the oven when you get back from the nursing home in the late afternoon.
And that’s life here.
Thursday 16th of December 2010
Totally agree with the other folks who posted to say thanks for writing about the little bump. It's nice to be reminded that no marriage is perfect and they all take work. And I love that pizza recipe! I bought parchment paper and I'm going to make it for tomorrow night. THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE BETTER! (I mean it!) one of your many readers!
Thursday 16th of December 2010
This year we did very few lights outside (not that we do very many any year), but one reason was the cold! Each year we think it ridiculous how early people put up their lights (can't they wait until the beginning of December?), but now we understand. Usually it's mild around here so waiting is no big deal. But this year? Brrrr!!!
Wednesday 15th of December 2010
could your coffee cake and pizza look any more appetizing?! why am I suddenly starving when it's a good two hours before lunch time? must be your fault. ;)
Wednesday 15th of December 2010
LOL I'm another one that is curious about your cocoa mix. I made some recently to put in xmas baskets. I decided to try it first and wasn't really impressed with it.
jewels k
Tuesday 14th of December 2010
you're awesome! just sayin ;) i love that you are so respectful of mr. FG! it's hard to come by, unfortunately. my husband and i have a wonderful relationship and i believe it's so important to be respectful of each other! not that we don't have tiffs either ;)