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I like finding these around the house.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Calico Critters on railing

Sonia and Zoe have really gotten into their Calico Critters in the past year, and I can’t say I’m complaining.   Calico Critters are a little on the expensive side, yes, but they don’t break, they don’t have batteries, they don’t make any noise, they encourage creative play, and I really, really like that they haven’t followed the trend of most toys marketed to girls*…no makeup, no huge flirty eyes, and most of them haven’t even been pink-i-fied.

Also, they’re delightfully round and cute.

(*There’s an interesting side-by-side comparison at the bottom of this article which shows what I’m talking about.)

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    Friday 21st of March 2014

    My daughter got a set of Calico critters for her birthday this year. I love seeing where I find her Princess barbies or her lego figures (we have a lot of the Disney princess sets, but also the zoo, Jake, Winnie the Pooh and the farm ... she loves them all). It is frustrating to try to find things that are not pink. I love B toys ... they are more bright colors ... neither pink nor blue. There are definitely certain companies that have a lot more gender neutral choices, though we have our share of pink toys (not so much on the blue side for my son ... he has a lot of hand me downs ... though I did try to get gender neutral toys for the most part for the baby toys). I'm not a fan of the updated versions of the toys I played with growing up (especially My Little Pony).


    Friday 21st of March 2014

    I used to have a rabbit like that, but it was gray. Probably still do have her, somewhere. She was named Wurzy after our hamster and I made her a very simple sleeveless dress to wear. We had gotten her second hand and she didn't have any clothes of her own. She played an important role as a witch in all the games. Even when she was a landlady, she was still a witch.

    barbara beall mauri

    Thursday 20th of March 2014

    I like these as well ! Couldn't possibly thrown these away! showing them to your children I know gives them a nice feeling .....I remember in school 2nd or third grade I made a "friend "a girl out of school paper double strength for a more realistic affect, I placed her in the inkwell! Soon other girls wanted me to make them one..afterwards I graduated to "old Fashioned girls ,hoop skirts and long hairstyles ..very popular and as far as my platform shoes ? they went well!

    Rebecca B. A. R.r

    Thursday 20th of March 2014

    I had a version of these toys when I was young, but they were called Sylvanians. I ended up giving all of them and their accessories to my friend's little girl, and she was so excited! I was so excited that she loved the gift and it didn't cost me anything!


    Thursday 20th of March 2014

    They're so cute!

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