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March Happiness Update + April’s Challenge

In 2019, I’m trying one new habit per month that A) promise to increase my happiness levels and B) costs little to nothing.

In January, I used my phone less.

(Definitely will keep doing this.)

In February, I tried a gratitude journal.

(This was not a keeper of a habit for me. One month was enough!)

In March, I did a photo-a-day challenge.

Kristen kneading bread

I compiled all 30 of my photos on one page, so if you’d like to peruse them, click right here.

I really had fun with this, and I think I will do another 30 days of prompts this month.

I think it would be more fun if I could share the photos as I take them, but I’m not sure how I want to do that. 

Instagram posts? A page on my blog? I dunno, and if you have opinions, feel free to share them.

April Challenge: Get outside every day.

This idea popped up a lot on lists of happiness-inducing activities, and I thought April might be a good month to give this a try.

If we have a very showery April, I might not get out there every day.

So maybe I should say that for April, I will try to get outside, weather-permitting. 😉

A walk, reading on the deck or the hammock, eating lunch on the deck, doing yard work, making a fire in our fire pit…anything that gets me out of doors will count.

Here’s hoping for a dry April.

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Friday 5th of April 2019

Please do your photos on Instagram! even if itโ€™s jist in stories. I love your photos! My goal for April is to walk a mile every day, or more, walking at least 35 miles for the month. Itโ€™s a small goal but I want to build some consistency and it want to be outside! so far Iโ€™m at 10 miles and itโ€™s only the 5th!


Friday 5th of April 2019

Yay for going outside every day! I gave myself this challenge over the winter because I hate winter and I have 3 littles that need to go OUT! It wasn't perfect (somedays I counted walking from the house to the van ;) ), but I would say it helped me feel brighter.

There's something about fresh air and being in creation that is so good for the soul.


Thursday 4th of April 2019

I vote for instagram for your photo a day. Just add a hash tag so you can search for it.


Friday 5th of April 2019


A specific hashtag would help people be able to enjoy all the pictures from your challenge without them getting lost in their feed.

I would also add that you could easily embed your pictures from Instagram into your blog without much fuss if you wanted.


Thursday 4th of April 2019

Canadian here: we say "no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing". My story: I didn't like winter for a long time, and then I decided to be friends with it, so I became a winter cyclist. Bought the wear, gritted my teeth and after being cold the first few minutes, I warm up, the cold air, the crunch of the snow or the fresh rain would be so refreshing.

So I highly recommend getting the gear, some rubber boots (I'm a fan of BOGGS, for all purpose rain, snow, etc.), a good coat, and become friends with the rain.

Also, I lived in England for 2 years. Learned to just live with the rain, we'd go for walks in the countryside and find a semi-shaded spot to our lunch, yep, in the rain; have swigs of warm tea of hot chocolate from the thermos, then go in for some soup. The beginning often felt like a slog, but it was so nourishing to not be afraid of getting wet, but making part of the experience.

also, recommend!


Friday 5th of April 2019

I'm with you Carla!

I live in Washington state in the winter and southeast Alaska in the summer. If I don't go out when it rains I never get outside. Shoes are the biggest thing and I always like having dry socks. So if I'm hiking I like to have an extra pair of socks in the car. Putting on dry socks is a little luxury.

carol g

Thursday 4th of April 2019

I'd love to see your photos on IG! And it just takes one quick minute to post!

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