I sent Ginger the Meet a Reader information a while ago, but as she says, life happened, so she had a bit of a delay in (e)mailing in her answers.
But I never mind a delay! If you’ve got the questions from me and you’ve been sitting on them a while, it’s totally ok to send them in. 🙂
Here’s Ginger!
1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a 53-year-old mother of 2 (grown) and grandmother of 4. I’ve been divorced (unmarried) for 15 years. Wow, time flies. My ex-husband and I have an amicable relationship.
My daughter lives in California and we talk regularly. My son and his family live in Montana. We have not spoken in over 8 years; that’s a long story and mostly my fault. I pray for them all regularly and wish them blessings and love.
Two dogs call me Mom: one Bluenose Pitbull (Krude Male/neutered) and one Rhodesian Ridgeback mix (Jewel female/ spayed).

Note from Kristen: Ginger asked me to block out her friend in this photo, which I did with my poor photo-editing skills. Heh.
My dad passed away in 2022 and my mom lives in Oregon.
I had two older siblings, but my sister passed away in a car accident in 2000 and my brother passed away from MS in 2020 so now I’m an only child.
I’m currently between houses, and I live in Amarillo, TX. (That’s part of the “life” issues.)
2. How long reading the FG?
I’m not sure exactly, but it’s been a few years. Searching for information on food waste led me here.
3. How did you get interested in saving money?
That’s easy, my mom and growing up in the PNW. Oregon is strong into recycling, reducing, and protecting the land. When I was a child, they started the bottle refund program.
I remember a shirt that I loved wearing with a caption about saving energy by turning off lights.
4. What is the “why” for saving?
The main reason is being responsible for my part in protecting the planet’s resources. I don’t put the planet over people but it’s in part of the balance. Another reason is necessity, so I can afford to do the things I love to do.
5. What’s your best frugal win?
6. What’s an embarrassing money mistake you’ve made?
So many, how to choose? I have put money into learning various ways to make money. Nothing wrong with that but I didn’t follow through with the application part.
So, the money was wasted, maybe. But I did learn some things that I find I use today. This is a good example of how, even when I feel I made a mistake, I try to learn from it.
7. What do you splurge on?
I know some people are going to not understand but going out to eat.
Being between houses and living in hotels mostly, it’s hard to cook. I’m not much of a cook even when I have a house. I save money where I can to keep it frugal, like by using apps, coupons, value menus, etc.
8. What’s one thing you’re not remotely interested in splurging on?
The latest technology.
I don’t need to spend money on something I’m going to damage right after I get it. I have 2 laptops that have broken screens. The models I have are touch screen, so that could be a problem. They work, at least they did the last time I used them.
My current phone has a broken screen protector. Which happened less than 24 hours after I got it.

note from Kristen: Ginger, me too! I cracked my last screen protector shortly after I got it.
I don’t have a TV or anything that goes with it.
Another thing I don’t spend much on is make-up. I have a couple of friends who sell some. So, I support them occasionally. I do like my purple mascara though I don’t wear it much.
9. What would you do if $1000 was dropped in your lap?
Right now set it aside for a deposit on a rental.
10. What is the easiest/hardest thing about being frugal?
The hardest is not developing a poverty mindset. I want to be frugal with a plan. For example: I’m not going to get A because I want to do B. If I buy A, it will take longer.
The easiest is saying no to the newest tech.
11. Is there anything unique about being frugal in your area?
There are many second-hand stores near me. Which can be a good thing or not. There is not much convenient recycling. So, I don’t recycle like I did in Oregon and Washington State.
12. Are there any frugal habits you’ve tried and abandoned?
Clipping coupons. I would collect coupons but I would forget I had them. I never made much savings for the time I spent doing it.
13. What do you wish more people knew?
That it is okay to have a different opinion about something. The people who want you to be just like them aren’t real friends. Real friends want you to be the best you can be even if it doesn’t line up with them.
14. What is your favorite type of FG post and why?
Five Frugal Things (FFT) with Thankful Thursday a close second. (I think FFT should be FFF– Five Frugal Finds. Because not every item that is frugal is a “thing.”) I’m always on the lookout for other ways to be frugal. I also like that some things I do automatically are frugal. I have learned a lot from this group.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to share a bit of my life and perspective. Thank you, Kristen.
I’m open to any and all questions but I don’t always get to email promptly.
Ginger, thank you for sharing with us, especially in the midst of some life upheaval!
I’m sorry to read of all the family losses you’ve experienced; it sounds like life has been tough in a lot of ways for you over the years.
I want you to know that I smiled when you used the phrase “unmarried” because I’ve used that a few times too…like I say that I am in the process of getting unmarried.
That’s an interesting thought about Five Frugal Things; I guess I think of “thing” in a rather general way. Like, it could be a physical thing that I obtained (like something from my Buy Nothing group), or it could be a thing that I have done (like replacing the headlight bulbs on my van).
Are you planning to stay in Texas? And how do you like Texas compared to living in the PNW? I’ve visited Dallas and Austin, but I’ve never been to the PNW.
Suellen Roley
Tuesday 26th of December 2023
I live in Oregon (currently Bend, but I've also lived in Portland, Beaverton, Lostine, La Grande, etc) , I've lived in California for a whopping 3 weeks, and Arizona for a whopping 3 months !! and I have friends in Texas. I am jealous of their winter weather but would HATE their hot weather.
Thursday 21st of December 2023
Hi Ginger! Thanks for sharing your story. Lots of it resonates, especially the idea of not developing a poverty mindset. I hope you resolve your housing situation soon! Housing woes are so stressful.
Ginger Bruce
Sunday 24th of December 2023
@Jem, yes, housing woes are stressful. It's been going on for a while but I'm focusing on what I can do. Thank you.
Tuesday 19th of December 2023
I never comment but wanted to say how much I appreciated Gingers honesty in her Meet A Reader! Thanks for being real Ginger. It can be hard to admit fault in family relationships but it is a very mature thing to do.
Ginger Bruce
Sunday 24th of December 2023
@Kat, thank you for your kind words. I do work at admitting my part in conflicts. I can change me but I can't change someone else.
SK in Norway
Tuesday 19th of December 2023
Hi Ginger, thanks for sharing. I admire your honesty in the way you describe your relationship with your son. That takes courage! I hope you may be reconciled with him one day. Also, you look great for 53- wow!
Ginger Bruce
Sunday 24th of December 2023
@SK in Norway, thank you. My mom looks young for her age as well. It's mostly genetics.
Jean C
Monday 18th of December 2023
Ginger, I enjoyed reading your Meet the Reader commentary - thank you for making the effort to complete that. I too found your comments about poverty mindset thought provoking. Frugality by necessity is a much more difficult endeavor than frugality by choice.
Sort of related, I do find that after years of being careful with money and focusing on saving that ingrained behavior makes it hard to spend money - it feels uncomfortable.
I have known people who have more than enough money but can’t use it to be generous to others, including themselves. It makes me feel sad for them.
Ginger Bruce
Sunday 24th of December 2023
@Jean C, yes, I too feel sad for people who can't be generous with themselves or others. As for spending money, I have to think about it long term. I know I won't take it with me but I want to have enough to support me for how ever long this life will be for me.