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Menu and grocery spending.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I’ll be posting about why I plan my menus and also how I do that, but for today, I’m just posting the menu.


  • frozen pizza(I know…what a cop out. We’d just gotten back from our trip, though, and $3.49 was cheaper than ordering a pizza or getting fast food!)


  • French Toast
  • Orange Juice


  • Chicken and Bacon Wraps
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Apple Slices


  • Shrimp Taco Salad
  • Refrigerator Rolls


  • Cilantro Panini
  • Tomato Basil Salad


  • Pork Chops
  • Bagels
  • Apple Slices


  • Grilled Pizza
  • Green Salad

And here’s my grocery spending for the week(including the shopping trip I posted about earlier this week).

$18 at a local chain(was $28, but I have a $10 cereal rebate sent out)
$55.38 at Weis, after taking my $10 rebate out.
$8 for milk from the farm
for a total of

Considering that I stocked up on about 20 boxes of cereal this week, that’s not too shabby. And if you count the $7.90 that I got credited back to my account, I’m actually under budget. In addition, I have $10 in store credit bucks(from the cereal promotion) to use towards my grocery shopping this week. Woot!

Incidentally, having to post my grocery spending here this week made me go and update my Quicken(I’m chronically behind on Quicken most of the time!), so that’s good! Maybe there is hope for me.

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    Tuesday 12th of August 2008

    Thanks for stopping by, Jenny! And planning benefits me in so many ways! I'm actually working on a post about that right now. :p


    Monday 11th of August 2008

    I am always so amazed at how you can shop so well. The menu items also look delic.

    Now that I am done school, I will get back at planning meals too, its so much more frugal to plan ahead.

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