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Menu and grocery spending-12.13

I spent $35.22 at Aldi($6 of that was a box of powdered milk, which I use for baking).

In addition, I spent $39.69 at Weis, which makes for a total of $74.91 And that is below the bottom end of my $80-$100 budget. 🙂 It was a good week!

Before I do the menu, I have one quick note to make. Last week one of my readers asked me to post more of my recipes or add more links to them. I didn’t get to respond to that comment yet, so I’ll just do it here! I do post links to as many of them as I can. Unfortunately, a lot of my recipes are from Cook’s Illustrated’s site, and you have to be a subscribing member to see those recipes. Eventually, more of my recipes will be posted here on my blog, and I can easily link you to those. Posting recipes is sort of time-consuming, though, so it will be a slow process. However, if you ever see a particular meal that looks interesting, leave me a comment(or email me) asking for the recipe, and that one will make it to the top of my Recipes-To-Post-On-My-Blog list.

Things got switched around a bit last week, so this week I’m making some of the meals I’d planned to make last week.


  • Deep Dish Pizza(hopefully I will remember to take pictures of the process so I can do a how-to post!)
  • Root Beer
  • maybe a salad



  • Chicken and stuffing
  • rolls
  • applesauce


  • Manicotti(I just use the recipe on the back of the box)
  • French bread
  • green salad


  • BBQ Chicken pieces
  • Challah
  • orange slices


  • Grilled Bratwurst on buns
  • chips
  • apple slices


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    Sunday 14th of December 2008

    I actually came to the site today hoping you had a link for a recipe for rolls (and then you had this post!) I've been looking for a recipe for light, fluffy yeast rolls (similar to what you'd find at the buffet style restaurants served with honey butter) but haven't had any luck with the recipes I've you have one or a suggestion as to one to try? Thanks!!

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