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Menu and grocery spending

I spent $17 at Shoppers this week(I bought another 60 pounds of flour, two gallons of milk, and two pounds of Tilapia fillets), and I spent $64 at Weis. I also spent $22 at Safeway(I was stocking up on chicken breasts, which were on sale for $1.79 a pound). So, my total for this week is $103. I’m $3 over budget, but I’m still pretty pleased with that, considering that I stocked up on flour(I have 120 pounds altogether now. Yay!) and chicken.

Here’s what we’re eating(and it’s not all flour!):


  • I’m pretty sick today, so the husband and kids are eating Chik-fil-a. 😉 I hate to spend the money, of course, but I reaaaaaally don’t want to cook today!



  • Chili Chicken Bisque(a new recipe)
  • Green Salad
  • Potato Roesti(a new recipe from Cook’s)


  • Seafood Quesadillas
  • Tangerines


  • Homemade Macaroni and Cheese(a new recipe from Cook’s)
  • Green Salad


  • Beef Au Jus sandwiches(I follow this recipe except I try to use a sirloin tip roast, as per Cook’s recommendation, if it’s on sale cheaply enough)
  • Fruit Salad


Photo by Jenn-Jenn

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    Wednesday 24th of February 2010

    Terri,I just wanted to know how you got the toiletries for free and do you to the clipping of coupons prior to your grocery shopping?


    Thursday 25th of February 2010

    Go check out for more info about getting stuff for free at drugstores. She's got lots of great info about it!

    The Frugal Girl :: Getting free(or really cheap) toiletries

    Monday 10th of November 2008

    [...] the comments on a previous post, I mentioned that I get a lot of my toiletries free or very cheaply at CVS and Walgreens, and one [...]


    Monday 10th of November 2008

    Terri, I'll do a post about that this afternoon, if you'd like. :)

    Terri Young

    Monday 10th of November 2008

    What do you mean "you get a lot of that stuff for free" at CVS or Walgreens? How do you get toiletries for free???


    Sunday 9th of November 2008

    Yup, it includes supplies, toiletries, etc. I don't include diapers in that, but at this point, I'm not spending much on those because Zoe is in undies except at night.

    I don't usually spend a ton on toiletries, because I get a lot of that type of stuff for free at CVS or Walgreens. I buy laundry detergent at Costco(I buy their brand, in the big bottle), and I usually buy toilet paper at Weis(when it's on sale and I have a coupon). I buy cleaning supplies at Weis(on sale with coupons), CVS/Walgreens, or sometimes Target/Walmart. Oh, and I buy dishwasher detergent at Costco(their brand), and sometimes I buy their brand of dish soap, if I haven't scored any really cheaply at Weis or a drugstore.

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