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Menu for 8.2-8.8 and grocery spending-late!

Potty girl has been keeping me busy. 🙂 First up, grocery moola. After spending nearly $100 last week, I’m pretty happy with my spending this week.

I spent:
$53 at Weis
$8 on milk from the farm

for a total of $61. Yay!

I’m going to post the whole week’s menu, even though two days are already gone.


  • Grilled Bratwurst
  • Watermelon
  • Peaches


  • Buttermilk Waffles
  • Orange Juice


  • London Broil
  • Corn on the cob
  • Braided bread


  • Bacon, Chicken, and Cheddar Quesadillas
  • Watermelon


  • Hibachi Chicken
  • fresh peaches


  • Pizza Subs


  • We’re going out to dinner for our anniversary. Woot!

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    Friday 8th of August 2008

    LOL! I really HATE days like that...when I don't know what I'm going to make for dinner, it makes me very stressed out. And it's funny that you ask about how I plan because I'm currently working on some posts about that. So check back next week! And by the way, I don't really ever plan breakfasts and lunches...we usually have cereal for breakfast and then for lunch we eat yogurt and bread and fruit. I would feel overwhelmed if I had to plan three meals a day!


    Thursday 7th of August 2008

    You're good. I'm the "4:45 pm, oh, my gosh, what's for dinner tonight" lady. Same goes for breakfast. Lunch is mostly fruits and water. I admire your planning. How do you stay on track with your weekly planning? I hope to be as organized some day. God bless you and your family.

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