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A menu on a Monday (plus what I’ve spent on groceries this year)

I’ve been such a slacker with these monthly menu plans.   Part of the problem is that in the winter, I am really, really unmotivated to take pictures of our meals because the light is so terrible.

cutting board with veggies


Despite the fact that there are 8 inches of snow on my deck this morning, spring is indeed coming and days are getting longer, and so I will be getting more camera-happy at mealtimes.

Which means menu plans should be a little more consistent around these here parts.

I do plan my menus ahead of time, but so that I can share pictures, I share a week’s worth of meals after we’ve eaten them.

I made a butterflied, salted, roasted chicken, which we ate with mashed potatoes, gravy, and a green salad.

skillet roasted chicken

Then we had a meal of old standbys…strawberry green salad and sloppy joes on homemade hamburger buns.
strawberry salad and sloppy joes

Next up: Grilled steaks, sweet potatoes, and green beans

I’m not one to buy steaks, but when you buy 1/4 of a local cow, then you get some fancier cuts along with your ground beef.

grilled local steaks

Then I had some prosciutto from Aldi that needed to be used up, so I made prosciutto-wrapped chicken breasts, which is a recipe from my six-ingredient cookbook.

I cannot for the life of me remember what we had with this.

proscuitto wrapped chicken

Leftover steak became steak quesadillas, which we ate with guacamole, salsa, and some fruit.

Here’s how I make bacon quesadillas, but for the steak version, I filled the tortillas with sliced steak, a bit of salsa, some green onions, and cheese.

steak quesadillas

I made a couple of homemade pizzas, and we drank root beer.

(Root beer with pizza is the occasional exception to our (tap) water-drinking lifestyle.   Ok, that and breakfast tea.)

homemade pizza

And we topped off the week with a date night.

I took some very detailed pictures of a grocery shopping trip in February, but then never posted them, so here you go.

(The first picture is includes clearance candy I bought after Valentine’s Day and also some sweetened beverages that we bought for one of the girls’ birthday meals.   It’s kind of a tradition around here to buy juice boxes on birthdays.   My girls think these are a super awesome treat, due to the afore-mentioned water-as-beverage lifestyle around here. 😉 )

IMG_9777 IMG_9771 IMG_9768 IMG_9765 IMG_9764

I don’t have specific grocery totals for this particular shopping trip, but as of the end of February, I’d spent about $1300 on groceries, which is about $166 a week.

That’s a bit artificially low, though, because I paid for the beef last year, and we’ve obviously been eating that this year.   But still, I’m pretty happy with my average, given that I’ve been buying a few more organic things, my kids are eating more (The teenager and the almost-teenager are definitely hungrier than they used to be!), and I’ve been sticking nearly 100% to local, organic chicken.


I promise I won’t skip a month between menu plans next time.   😉

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    Steph Nelson

    Sunday 30th of March 2014

    I'm catching up on blog reading so sorry for the late comment! :)

    I just wanted to comment on your drinking water habit. I grew up with drinking water only, a glass of milk at dinner and very very very rarely was allowed to drink soda. I hated it (the drink restrictions) as a kid but now as an adult it kinda amazes me that basically all I drink is water. Besides coffee but that is made with water. ;)


    Sunday 30th of March 2014

    Yep-it's such a gift to already be in the habit of drinking water.

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    I love the menu plan posts :) The quesedillas and roast chicken look great.

    I'm looking forward to a time when I can buy beef in bulk, but it's not worth it at the moment being single and sharing a freezer.


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    I've been reading your blog for a few years and I like to see how your grocery has changed now that you have 2 older ones.


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Can I just say THANK YOU for posting your average weekly grocery shopping tally? I follow another blogger who says she spends about $40 a week to feed her family of FIVE. I couldn't help thinking, "What is wrong with me?!" as I've been spending at least $166 a week or more (including toiletries, paper goods, household items, etc.) and feeling very guilty about it. I think your grocery spending philosophy is much more realistic - esp since you eat lots of fresh produce and local meat and rarely eat out:) Thank you so much for being both frugal and realistic!

    Katie | The Surly Housewife

    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Thank you for sharing your menu plan! It's so helpful for me to see since I am getting read to plan our menu after been gone on vacation. The pizza looks devine!

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