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Menu Plan | off-week report

On Saturdays, I share my menu plan for the upcoming week along with a photo of my groceries and a tally of my spending. My goal is to spend $100/week for our food, toiletries, and cleaning products. I’m currently in the midst of trying to buy more local, sustainably-produced food while sticking to my budget. Can it be done? I don’t know, but I’m going to try, and I’ll share what I learn as I go along.

Woohoo for the no-grocery-shopping weeks. Love them!

We did get to go pick some strawberries at my parents’ house, since they were gone on vacation this past week. I do so appreciate their habit of being out of town when their garden is producing good things. 😉

Breakfast options this week will be yogurt, fruit, muffins, toast, scrambled eggs, and cereal.

Lunches will be comprised of sandwiches made with whole wheat bread, homemade yogurt, yogurt smoothies, cottage cheese, fruit, raw veggies, nuts, cheese, and leftovers as necessary. Of course, we don’t eat all of that every single day…it’s just a list of the things the kids and I choose from for lunch. And Mr. FG eats leftovers for lunch pretty much every day.

Here’s the dinner plan:


  • We’re grilling out with my extended family.


  • either some snacky stuff or French toast, depending on how our day goes.




  • Shrimp Enchiladas (a new recipe, while I’ll share if it’s good!)
  • chips and salsa
  • fruit


  • Grilled Chicken Sandwiches
  • green salad


  • Homemade Pizza

Have a lovely weekend, dear readers.

(p.s. My Libman $100 Visa gift card giveaway ends on 5/31. To enter, you just have to leave a comment on the giveaway post. Easy-peasy.)


Today’s 365 post: When you have local strawberries…

Joshua’s 365 post: AJ and the trucks

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Wednesday 1st of June 2011

    I expected "...and STRAWBERRIES..." at the end of each part of your menu plan... :-) Oh, and if you don't read already read Smitten Kitchen, stroll over to see her summer strawberry cake. One just got finished off at my office, and the folk can't stop talking about it. Easy, not toooooo sweet, but YUMMY!


    Monday 30th of May 2011

    Yumm! Fresh strawberries!! ;)


    Sunday 29th of May 2011

    *ad services I mean :S


    Sunday 29th of May 2011

    FYI - twice this week when visiting your site, I have been redirected to a malware site that told me I had viruses and started an install process on my computer (which I promptly aborted!) -- I thought the first time was a fluke, but this time I definitely didn't click anything or have any other windows open. I can't get it to redirect me on purpose, which makes me thing that it might be one of your as services doing some shady business on random page loads?


    Sunday 29th of May 2011

    I had the problem on Sat, 28 May on my Mac - I think before noon FG time. My web-based email, a blogsite, FG, and a random site I linked to via some frugal blog or another (MSM? FG? other?) were all open on Firefox. I ascribed it to the random site but given what zoe says, it's possible it happened via FG's site.

    Maybe Mr. FG has some insight to contribute?


    Saturday 28th of May 2011

    I like the idea of the zucchini patties. And when I checked out Taste of Home, I came up with a recipe for a creamy feta spinach dip. Having just bought fresh spinach today at the Farmers' Market and bought some fresh spinach--and I have most of the main ingredients, so that will be good for our cook out. And I also found a site to make your own seasoning mix for the zucchini patties. Looking forward to summer and more locally produced fresh vegetables.

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