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Miscellany | with one week left

A week from today, I have my final exam for this semester. Woohoo!

red leaves.


So, here are some random things from my life/brain.

I dropped the peanut butter into the pudding

I had some extra milk, so I made a double batch of chocolate pudding last week. I poured it into glass bowls and set them to cool on the counter.

Then I decided to have a snack of a banana + peanut butter. And when I went to put the Sam’s Club size jar of peanut butter away, I dropped it.

Right into the pudding.

peanut butter in pudding.

pic from right after I took the jar out, obviously

I had pudding in my hair, on my hoodie, and all over my kitchen.

pudding spill on jacket.

Thank goodness it was already fairly cool; it had solidified enough so as not to spray everywhere (and it also was cool enough to not burn me!)

Also, I was grateful I hadn’t showered yet; the pudding in my hair was no big deal. 😉

Scrambled Egg Auto-Pilot

I went to make French toast the other day, and before I knew it, I was grinding pepper into the eggs.

Kristen looking annoyed.



Because I eat scrambled eggs for breakfast so often, I went into auto-pilot mode after cracking the eggs!

peppered eggs.

I saved the peppered eggs in a container for the following morning, and I started over with some fresh eggs.

I do love me some black pepper, but in French toast, it would be a most unwelcome addition.

This leaf looks familiar

I spied this leaf out of the corner of my eye when I was walking.

calcifer leaf.

And I thought it looked a little like Calcifer, from Howl’s Moving Castle!

calcifer stickers.

Also, don’t these logs kind of look like they are sprouting fresh-popped popcorn?

log covered in mushrooms.


I wonder what it’s like to live in a huge house

Now that the leaves have fallen off the trees, I am seeing some houses across the creek that I don’t usually see on one of my trails.

This one caught my eye the other day:

large white house on waterfront.

And I stopped to wonder what it must be like to live in such a house. It’s HUGE.

I know I don’t personally want that much house, but it might be fun to live there for a week, just to see what it’s like. I would feel so fancy!

Thanks, Chiquita

She knocked over a pot of succulents the other day.

broken succulents.

I repotted two of them, which is honestly probably something I should have already done because they were quite leggy.

succulents in a pot of dirt.

So, I guess I appreciate the push from Chiquita. 😉

(She did not break the pot, thankfully!)

650 days of Spanish

I hit a 650-day streak of doing at least one Spanish lesson a day on Duolingo.

duolingo screenshot.

Am I fluent? No.

But do I know more than I would otherwise? Yes!

(Enough that I have been able to speak a little Spanish to my patients.)

I might hit the Spanish a little harder once I am done with nursing school. 🙂

I handled night shift slightly better this time

The only other time I’ve worked an overnight shift is when I was doing training back in June.

(If I am not forced, I will never work overnight. The only place I want to be at 2 am is IN MY BED, SLEEPING.)

At that time, I was still dealing with some post-Covid exhaustion, and also, I was not used to working 12-hour shifts.

But this time, I went in well-rested, and I am also very accustomed to spending 12 hours in a row at the hospital.

Kristen in scrubs.

Right before I went in to work

So, I was less miserable than before.

Also: I did three blood draws in a row and got all of them on my first try. Yay me!

Anyway, despite the fact that my shift went all right, I still will maintain my habit of choosing day shifts whenever humanly possible.

Kristen after a night shift.

home and ready for bed!

I know you get paid more overnight, but as I always say: I am too old and too financially stable to be tempted by the pay. Ha.

Wanna get some miscellany off your chest? Feel free to join me in the comments!

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Friday 6th of December 2024

The pepper in your eggs reminded me of the time I thought I was grabbing cinnamon to put in my french toast eggs and accidentally grabbed chili powder instead! I didn't notice (I must have been sleepy) till I had already made the toast! Ugh! We tasted it, but then tossed it. There was no saving anything like you did! Both bottles looked the same and I wasn't used to that. I immediately put the chili powder in the bottle that I had previously used so there would be NO more mixing up those! We did have a good laugh!


Friday 6th of December 2024

Ohhhh that would not taste good!


Friday 6th of December 2024

Your Duolingo streak is impressive. I am on day 165. Do you use the free or paid version? I'm using the free version but am contemplating the paid version.

I once dropped an unopened glass jar of salsa. It completely shattered and sprayed all over my kitchen, including the ceiling. Cleaning up chunks of salsa mixed with shards of glass was no bueno.

I can't have plants. My cat will ruin every single one. I'm surprised that Chiquita doesn't bother them more.

Meg L

Friday 6th of December 2024

Hi Kristen! So proud of all your hard work in nursing school! I thought you might enjoy this story. My daughter is a nurse. When she took a new job, the hospital shifts were either all days or all nights (not alternating as some do). As a newbie, she would have to work nights. Before she started, her manager called to ask if she would *mind* working days because no one else wanted to switch from nights! Um YES PLEASE! That was a huge blessing for sure! I know some nurses actually prefer nights, but I’m with you! Night is for sleeping! Thanks for this wonderful blog!


Friday 6th of December 2024

I would totally NOT mind working all days. Ha.


Thursday 5th of December 2024

Your pudding story reminds me of a gone-wrong batch of muffins. Instead of using Cinnamon I dumped in a whole lot of Chili powder (almost same color) in the preparation, oops. In the compost it went (and it was a biiiiiig batch, with gluten-free flour, boooooh!)


Thursday 5th of December 2024

Oh no, the gluten free flour!!


Thursday 5th of December 2024

Hah! My dad used to pepper his French toast. Which was fine except he cooked French toast for the rest of the family in the same pan so we all had a pinch of pepper in our sweet breakfast.

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