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Monday Q&A | Pop-Up Anti-Virus, Travel vs. Debt, Freelance Writing

Every Monday, I answer a few of the questions that my readers send me. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future Q&A post, just leave me a comment here or email me (thefrugalgirl [at] gmail [dot] com) and put Q&A in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you!

Before we get to some questions, I have a favor to ask of you readers. Two people in the last week have had a fake anti-virus pop-up appear while a window was open with my blog in it. I’ve scanned my blog and it doesn’t appear to be infected, and I’m going to contact my ad networks to see if there’s something I can opt out of (I thought I’d opted out of pop-up advertisements wherever possible).

If this happens to you, could you possibly send me a screenshot so that I can take a look at what’s going on?
Just send it to thefrugalgirl (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!

I just recently started reading your blog and love it! My husband and I are adjusting to our new budget now that we have our daughter. She is one now and it has been quite an adjustment for us – we used to be able to buy what we wanted and now we really need to get our spending under control.

I wanted to ask your advice. Visiting my husband’s family requires a plane ride and sometimes a rental car. This can total upwards of $700. Do you think this an expense that is justified putting our reducing our debt on hold?

Thank you!

Ooh, that’s awfully hard to say without seeing the rest of your financial picture and without knowing all of the family dynamics.

I think paying off debt should be a very high priority, but time with grandparents is very valuable too, just in a different way.

I guess I’d offer these three things:

1) Though seeing grandparents/extended family is a lot of fun and is good for relationship-building, it’s not exactly necessary to have a whole bunch of visits every year. I grew up on the east coast and my grandparents lived in the midwest, so I saw them only once or twice a year and I still feel like I had a relationship with them. And that was even before the days of free long-distance and Skype…those tools can help you to communicate with your husband’s family and the Skype especially could be a fun thing for your daughter to participate in.

2) See if your husband’s family might be able to come see you some of the time. Generally speaking, grandparents are in a better financial place to do traveling, and given that they don’t have to pack up small children, traveling should be easier for them too.

3) Don’t look at it as an either-or scenario. I’d suggest splitting your extra money in half (or whatever ratio works for you)…for every dollar you put towards debt, put a dollar into a traveling fund as well. That way you’re not giving up on your dream of being debt-free but you’re also not letting your debt just sit.

I would like to start off stating that I love, love, love your blog. You have a lot of great information and I find myself wishing there was a way to make your blog my home page( lol).

I would like to freelance write. Can you perhaps direct me to some great websites that are not scam sites? That’s all I keep coming across. I love to write about life, food, faith, travel, thrift shopping etc, etc….


Aww, I feel so honored that you want me on your home page! 😉 I don’t know if there’s a way to do that other than making an iGoogle page for yourself and then adding my blog.

I know there are sites out there that hire freelance writers, but I’m not sure where exactly to direct you. Hopefully my readers will know.

In the meantime, I’d highly recommend starting a blog of your own so that you can practice writing articles. The more you write, the better you’ll get at it, and you can use your blog as a portfolio to sell your writing to potential clients.

If you want to use your blog as a portfolio, I’d strongly suggest that you choose to start a blog instead of a Blogger blog, since most WordPress blogs look sleeker and more professional even with no tweaking on your end.


Readers, do you have any advice to share on these topics? I’m particularly hoping that some of you have knowledge about freelance writing gigs.


Today’s 365 post: Bread and Jam for Kristen

Joshua’s 365 post: Books from the library

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    Wednesday 1st of June 2011

    I live on the other side of the country from my parents and though we don't have any kids, we don't rent a car. We just bum rides the whole time. We are living on savings for 2 years while we finish graduate school, but we decided that traveling home to see my family was a priority. I think we've spent at least $2,000 on it this year. Sure that could've meant more trips to the movies or new clothes, but to us its worth it. If traveling is one of your priorities - I say go for it! Also remember, you don't have to go as a couple every time. For my cousin's wedding and my sister's graduation, I went but my husband stayed behind. Everyone understood. When my husband's aunt comes from California for a visit, she does the same - often leaves her husband at home. My in-laws have stuff for her baby (like a pack n play crib, a car seat, and a stroller) so she doesn't have to worry about traveling with those. (I think they think a grandkid will be using them soon anyway so it's worth the investment!) My best tip on traveling is to avoid traveling on Friday and Sundays. Thursdays, Saturdays, and Mondays are usually substantially cheaper!


    Wednesday 1st of June 2011

    Thanks for the great advice every one!!


    Tuesday 31st of May 2011

    I got the pop-up yesterday on your blog. I'm on a MAC.


    Tuesday 31st of May 2011

    I do some freelance work and I found this list very helpful! Best wishes on your writing journey!


    Monday 30th of May 2011

    I just got a plum job as an assistant editor after the publishers read my blog. I wasn't exactly intending to use my blog as a resume, but that's what happened! I agree with FG that writing a blog is excellent practice.

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