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(mostly) Studio Ghibli pumpkins

Last night, we carved our pumpkins.


Our kids have really gotten into the Studio Ghibli movies of late.   Lisey started it by watching My Neighbor Totoro on her own, and then she hooked Mr. FG by getting him to watch it with her.


Now a steady stream of Studio Ghibli movies from Netflix have been hitting our mailbox in time for Friday night movie watching.

Zoe wanted to carve the cat from Kiki’s Delivery Service, but we were unsuccessful at obtaining a pattern. So she settled for a cute hamster instead.


Joshua carved the cat bus from Totoro, and Sonia chose No-Face (from Spirited Away).

no face and cat bus pumpkin

And of course, Lisey chose Totoro, which ended up being really hard to carve, but she hung in there with the help of Joshua and Mr. FG.

totoro carved pumpkin

These might show up in the related posts widget, but in case they don’t, and in case you’re curious, here are our 2013 pumpkins.

And our 2012 pumpkins.

In case you’re really into looking at pumpkins, I’ll throw in  our 2011 pumpkins too (holy moly, Joshua looks so young!!!)

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    Saturday 31st of October 2015

    I love these pumpkins! My kids all dressed up as Studio Ghibli characters for Halloween this year. :-D


    Saturday 31st of October 2015

    Nice! My kids would have loved to see that.


    Friday 7th of November 2014

    I am so happy you and your children have fallen in love with these films!Our family has watched them for years and still get excited when we decide to do a Ghibli marathon.Great pumpkins!This post made my day.

    Jo in RI

    Sunday 2nd of November 2014

    Great movies. Great pumpkins!


    Friday 31st of October 2014

    Fabulous as always! We carved today - had friends round and we did it altogether. But not in quite the same league as yours! :)

    It raised a question though. And this may seem very silly but...

    Our pumpkins were labelled 'carving pumpkin', and we were curious as to what that meant. However we're guessing they contain less flesh? There was me thinking I'd have loads of flesh to use up!

    Over at mine (in the comments not the post) I've explained why I'm not that familiar with pumpkin. As a small child we carved suede instead. Now I'm wondering if I just had an unusual childhood experience of Halloween. But really I don't think pumpkins were commonly carved in the UK until relatively recently.


    Friday 31st of October 2014

    Around here (the midwest in the USA) you can buy "pie pumpkins" which are used for cooking. The larger ones that you carve are called Jack-o-lanterns and I'm guessing that's what your "carving pumpkins" are. The pie pumpkins are quite small but the flesh is better for cooking/baking. I didn't realize there was a difference when I was in college, and used a Jack-o-lantern for making a pie. I had a very very flat filling for my poor sad pumpkin pie! The Jack-o-lanterns are edible--no worries there--but the pie pumpkins (I think they are also called sugar pumpkins?) will give you better cooking results. I don't know if you have this option, but we can buy canned pumpkin, which is what I do. Much simpler.

    Katy @ The Non-Consumer Advocate

    Friday 31st of October 2014



    Friday 31st of October 2014

    Haha, I had to use Google translate. ;)

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