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My frugal cooking to-do list

There are a couple of things that I’ve been wanting to learn to do for a while, so I’m going to list them here. Maybe going public with my list will inspire me to get around to actually doing this stuff.


Chunks of granola in a Rubbermaid container.

I want to learn to

-make croutons with leftover bread

A lot of times I end up with a piece or two of bread that gets sort of dry, or my kids will eat a bit out of a roll and leave the rest, and I’d like to do something to make this stuff edible. I’ve been putting odds and ends in my freezer for a month or so now, and I think I have enough to make a batch of croutons.

-make crackers

My children adore crackers and would eat box after box of them if I allowed it. Unfortunately, that gets expensive, so I make them eat bread instead(which is much cheaper, since I make it myself). The Tightwad Gazette has a recipe for faux Wheat Thins that is supposedly easy to make, and I’ve been meaning to try it f o r e v e r.

-make granola

I adore granola, but it pretty much NEVER goes on sale, and it’s not a cheap cereal to begin with. And so, we rarely eat it. I’m not lacking in recipes…I have a whole stack of them sitting here that I’ve just never gotten around to trying. I seriously had one recipe on the side of my fridge for almost two years, and I still never tried it. Anyhow, I’d like to learn to make my own, both to eat as a cereal and to eat on top of yogurt.

(Update: this is my favorite granola and it requires no stirring during baking!)

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Sunday 24th of March 2024

Reading through your older posts, and I think itโ€™s so cool that 2/3 of these are in your regular rotation for meals. Good job!

Iโ€™ve made homemade crackers before. The efforts were not worth the results (my kids demolished them in about 10 minutes, and they took quite a bit of time.)


Friday 18th of July 2008

Thanks, Laura! I made granola yesterday(I'll post about that tomorrow, maybe), so crackers are up next! lol

I wonder if my library might have a copy of this. Or maybe has one cheap.

laura grace

Tuesday 15th of July 2008

I'd definitely encourage you to look through it the next time you come across one. It does have a section of bean-type recipes but they're not the only kinds of recipes -- it was put together by Mennonite missionaries from around the world, so there are lots of unique, delicious international recipes that can be made with cheap, easy-to-find ingredients. There are also lots of recipes for mixes (bisquick, drink mixes, etc) and a TON of useful tips for things like using up leftovers, making eating a joyful experience even on a tight budget, even teaching your kids to appreciate all the bounty we have here. It's great.

Here's the link to the cracker recipe. You can add cheese or any other flavorings... I though making a sweet cracker might be nice too, with some cinnamon and sugar and melted butter instead of oil:


Tuesday 15th of July 2008

I think that might be a little too gourmet for my crew, Laura! lol What recipe from AllRecipes did you use? It might work for me if I leave out the garlic and rosemary.

I've heard of the More With Less cookbook, but I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to look through one. Doesn't it use a lot of beans? My husband(dear man though he is!) is not a fan of beans, so I'm loathe to make a beany dish for dinner, as I'd probably have to make something else for him. :p

If you'd like to share your granola recipe, I'd be grateful, though. You can email it to thefrugalgirl at gmail dot com if you're willing to share. :)

#4-We don’t eat very many snack foods. « The Frugal Girl

Tuesday 15th of July 2008

[...] also make granola bars when I have time, I’m going to try to learn make some crackers, and hey, we’ve found that homemade croutons are a pretty yummy snack [...]

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