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My hands hurt. (But Groupon has My Publisher!!!)

I know that has nothing to do with frugality, but bear with me.

I had kind of a crazy weekend of piano playing (two rehearsals, one wedding, one church service, and one outdoor concert) and my hands aren’t feeling too great.


I’ve had problems with my wrists and hands since I was a teen, and generally, I know my limits and stay within them. But this weekend was kind of a perfect storm, and I need a little rest.

So, I’m going to take a few days off of blogging, because the computer is a little hard on my hands and wrists and I don’t want to further aggravate them.

Hopefully a few days with little computer and no piano will help me to get back to normal.

Before I start resting, though, I did want to tell you that Groupon has a My Publisher deal going right now (see, I told you that they pop up pretty often!)


My Publisher is the company that I used to make my photo books, and this deal includes the super glossy pages that reccomended. It’s $10 for an 8.75×11.25 classic photo book, which is a great deal. You will have to pay shipping, but your book will still come in nicely under $20.

MyPublisher Deal of the Day Groupon Amarillo - Mozilla Firefox 7222013 85140 AM

Here’s how to get yours:

If you’ve already got a Groupon account, click here to go to Groupon’s site. Then log in and use the search bar to look for My Publisher. Even if it doesn’t show up as soon as you log in, once you search for it, you should see it.

(for some reason, this seems to show up as an Amarillo, Texas deal, so if you have trouble finding it, try changing your location to Amarillo, TX and see if it shows up on that page…you may have to scroll down a bit to find it.)

If you haven’t got a Groupon account, click here to sign up (it’s free and I think Groupon often has great deals). Once you’ve signed up, you can log in and use the search bar to search for My Publisher.

I bought two vouchers for myself, and I’m vowing not to wait until the last minute to make these books. I’m gonna start on them promptly! (You can work on yours along with me. 😀 )

Have fun getting caught up on your pictures!

Links in this post are my referral links; however, I paid for my vouchers as I have for all of my other My Publisher vouchers, and I honestly think this is a great deal.

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    Wednesday 24th of July 2013

    recommend you try medical acupuncture for your hands - my MD has treated my hands & knees for years (after too much sewing/computer, geardening, etc)


    Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

    Sorry your hands hurt. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor that specializes in sports injuries? You might want to try that. I've seen them work wonders on wrists, jaws etc (not to mention spines) - so I would think it would work on overworked hands. Good luck.


    Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

    I had a great physical therapist when I was in high school and she helped me a LOT!


    Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

    I too have spurts of playing the piano too much and use the computer for work a lot too. Last summer I developed carpal tunnel in both wrists. not fun. better to know my limits and rest, not over do it until I am in pain! I used the wrist guard wraps for both wrists and found sleeping with them on each night was very helpful. it felt so good to put them on and feel the support. plus the doctor said at night time while sleeping I probably bend them so to fully rest the wrists while sleeping to immobilize them is best. I hadn't heard of the previous posters advice about warm rice...interesting. I do use my magic bag for soothing warmth sometimes. (it has buckwheat in it I think)


    Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

    Kristen Rest Up & Take Care of U !

    But Hey when U are Ready & Rested :) Do U think U could add a Video Clip of U playing the Piano ????? I would LOVE to Hear U Play Something :) As I'm Sure Ur Other Followers would too :)

    Amazing Grace would be Real Nice :)


    Monday 22nd of July 2013

    Sorry your hands are sore! Have you tried a chiropractor? We use ours for everything. He is a graduate from a Palmer school of Chiropratic. He's wonderful! It's amazing what can be done with chiropractics. My daughter, 28, can have occasional issues due to too much computer usage and he is able to adjust her hands/wrists and relieve her pain by putting everything back in alignment.

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