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My immune system has gone on strike.

I am so annoyed with my body. I normally hardly ever get sick, and now for some odd reason, I’m working on my 3rd cold since Thanksgiving. What’s up with that? There’s been no change in my diet or lifestyle except that I started going to the gym. And here I thought going to the gym would help me to be MORE healthy!


I feel achy, I have a cough, and as Zoe says, my voice is wrong.

Anyhow, I’m laying as low as possible today, so the final installment in the productivity series is going to have to wait until next week.

I did write up a whole post about the new healthy cookbook from America’s Test Kitchen, though, so you can go read that if you miss my daily post here too much. And I put up a 365 post too.

Hopefully I’ll be feeling some better tomorrow, but even if there’s no change, I think I can handle doing a Food Waste Friday post. 🙂

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    Friday 21st of January 2011

    Last fall winter when I was worked out at the gym, it was the most sick I have ever been in my life. Just when I would get over a cold, I would get another virus-even with the flu shot! I have learned to clean each machine before and after I use them.


    Friday 21st of January 2011

    re: gym & weakened immune system -- aside from germs, could it be that you've increased the amount of energy you normally spend, but kept nutrition, including vitamins etc., at the same levels? Perhaps your body sees the increased activity as stress, and a simple multivitamin course will do the trick?

    Feel better soon!

    Melanie Webster

    Friday 21st of January 2011

    It is also quite likely that spending more time exercising than you were possibly used to is releasing toxins from your tissues and therefore your immune system is fighting harder and will find it more difficult to deal with. If your immune system is healthy then an influx of new germs should be dealt with swiftly and shouldn't be causing you to get sick. Germs are good things! Hope you feel better soon.


    Friday 21st of January 2011

    feel better soon!!

    Glory Lennon

    Friday 21st of January 2011

    I do hope you feel better. You might want to bring some hand sanitizer along with you when you go to the gym. So many people there, some are bound to be carrying more than a a few extra pounds...yes, germs! Do take care.

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