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Not a grocery report.

I do have a picture.

But that’s all.

I had a busy day yesterday…I did household stuff in the morning, including making our main meal, and once Mr. FG left for work, Sonia and Zoe and I headed off to do a photo shoot for some friends.

Then we ran a few errands, which included buying crickets for Joshua’s gecko, and buying a Christmas present for Joshua from Sonia and Zoe.

I was home for about a half hour, and then we headed out again to drop Joshua off with his boy cousins while the girls and I went to my mom’s house to watch Anne of Green Gables with almost all of the girls on my side of the family.

Even my littlest niece was there!

And then after I got home and got the kids in bed, I decided my living room and kitchen really needed to be cleaned up.

Oh, that’s better.

I took these before and after pictures with my new point and shoot because I can take a picture of a whole room with it (my SLR lenses aren’t wide angle!).

Not perfect, but definitely better.

That little camera does pretty well at night with no flash…I’m pretty impressed.


That’s why I didn’t get a grocery/menu plan post written. Have a happy Saturday. 🙂


Today’s 365 post: Lunch yesterday


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    Virginia Dare

    Monday 19th of December 2011

    I love that Anne-with-an-E movie so much. I remember watching it serialized on PBS when I was a kid, desperate for the next installment!


    Monday 19th of December 2011

    Looking good! It's amazing one simple thing can make a difference. Since all the talk about point and shoots, and not using the flash, I've tried it and have taken some good photos - Thanks!

    Jackie @ Blueberries For Me

    Sunday 18th of December 2011

    This is inspiring me to get cleaning...almost.


    Sunday 18th of December 2011

    Hi Kristen, just wanted to wish you and your family a merry Christmas. I like reading your blog and looking at your pictures all year 'round, but getting a peek at your Christmas preparations has been especially fun. :) Merry Christmas!


    Sunday 18th of December 2011

    thank you for sharing your family with me...i feel i really know you and them! Merry Christmas to all of you!

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