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On Happiness and Contentment

Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
~Fyodor Dostoevsky~

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

~Frederick Keonig~

The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment.

~Doug Larson~

Psst! If you’re new around here, perhaps my own thoughts about contentment would be interesting to you.

(Not that I can compete with the likes of Doestevsky. )


Today’s 365 post: The Pink Panther has timeless appeal

Joshua’s 365 post: Pumpkins

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    Friday 28th of October 2011

    I love your blog and how positive you are and when you share your struggle, I like the balance. I say this to encourage you. Regarding thankfulness, I think you would really enjoy the book "1,000 Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. She sets out to record 1,000 everyday blessings and reflects on what she learns along the way. It is very powerful. P.S. I personally look forward to living near an Aldi someday thanks to you!


    Thursday 27th of October 2011

    Kristen, please keep blogging. I heard today on the radio that negative interactions affect us far more deeply than positive ones, which is terrible, so I'm excited to see all the support for you, and I hope you take encouragement from it. This is your blog, your space. You do a wonderful, compassionate job of writing in a way that shows Jesus in your life. Please continue. Anyone who doesn't like your gentle celebration of blessings can read something else!


    Thursday 27th of October 2011

    Hi Kristen, Most of the time I'm a silent lurker :), but I couldn't help but add my two cents here. I absolutely adore reading your blog. I'm 25 year old graduate student and have no plans of having children anytime soon, nor do I plan on being a stay at home mother when I do have a family. However I love reading about your family and the cheerful manner you write with. I hate to read blogs where readers feel so insecure/unhappy/stressed that they need to make someone else feel poorly to exert some of their own negativity or bad feelings. I really hope you feel better and will continue to take some of the good comments and can leave the negative comments :) Your faithful readers understand that you're not perfect, but we appreciate you taking the time to share your life with us and show what we can do on any given day, if we feel so inclined.


    Friday 28th of October 2011

    i so agree! i'm single and live in a little apt in an urban area with no children, but I read Kristens blog everyday for a dose of cheer. Our lives couldnt be more different on the surface, but i strive to be as content and thankful for my blessings as the FrugalGirl! Kristen - dont change a thing!


    Thursday 27th of October 2011

    Nice pictures! :)

    Kat C

    Thursday 27th of October 2011

    Love this post!

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