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Potty training book giveaway!(and update on potty girl)

This is a first for The Frugal Girl! Someone from Children’s Hospital in Dallas emailed me to see if I’d be interested in giving away a free copy of “Stress-Free Potty Training” to my readers. I think of potty training as everything but stress-free, and I figured there are probably others of you out there who feel the same. I’ve not read the book yet myself, but I’m very curious to see what it has to say(especially since I’ve been a wee bit stressed for the last few days!)

Here’s a video and a website with more information about the book and its author.

I’ll randomly pick a winner next Friday, August 8th. To enter, just leave a comment, and I’ll contact you via email if you’re the winner. And if you feel so led, I’d love for you to leave your best potty training tip(because heaven knows that I and probably some of my readers could use it!).

In happy news, last night Potty Girl actually decided that she needed to go potty and she went into the bathroom and sat down and did her business! Woot! I’m very very psyched about that, as it’s the first time she’s actually anticipated having to go. Aaaand, yesterday she woke up dry from her nap which means that since we started potty training, I’ve only use two diapers(one for each night) and one pull-up(for the nap the first day). I’m sure we still have a long road ahead of us, but I’m feeling far more optimistic now than I was on Wednesday.

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    Wednesday 6th of August 2008

    My third has just recently started saying "I have go potty. Go pee pee momma". I am hoping we are going to start potty training soon (she is 20 months). I could really use some tips though as my first self trained very young and it has been over 5 years since I've had to deal with the whole potty training thing!

    Ohhh, glory be!(and a reminder) « The Frugal Girl

    Wednesday 6th of August 2008

    [...] in being in the drawing for the “Stress Free Potty Training Book” should head over to this post and leave a comment. I’ll be drawing a name on Friday. Filed under: Uncategorized [...]


    Friday 1st of August 2008

    I would love this! I hope to potty train my son as soon as possible!!


    Friday 1st of August 2008

    Stress free, hu? Anything is worth a try with my little one. The oldest pretty much trained herself so the struggle is very strange for me.


    Friday 1st of August 2008

    My #3 was actually my easiest...she sort of self-trained, which was great. I hope your son gets more interested soon!

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