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On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture (or two!) and just a few words.

The other night, it rained, and I thought about how lovely it was to have air warm enough for precipitation to fall in a liquid form.

So I took a picture, naturally.

rain drops at night

And then yesterday morning, this was the view out of that same door.

cozy coupe covered in snow

Maybe once this snow melts, I will be able to put away the snow clothes for real.


Joshua’s 52 post: Broken

(Embarrassing tale of procrastination: The ball in his photo broke because I left our mini Christmas tree out on the deck for 2.5 months without even bothering to undecorate it.   I did take care of it on a recent warm day, though!)

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    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Just about the time I think winter is finally over, it sneaks back in. Today we are supposed to be up to 80, and tomorrow back down to 60.


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    We are northwest of Baltimore in Carroll County and, I am normally a snow and winter LOVER. But, I'm with you this year. I'm DONE! Ready for spring and warmth!

    Jen S.

    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    As much as I love snow, I'm also ready to be done with the snow clothes :) I had to laugh at your procrastination disclaimer as I have done similar things... Glad to know I'm not the only one! Blessings!


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Last Sunday we went to my friend's boy's 1st birthday and it was 60 degrees, then the next day if was freezing but no snow. I'm glad we're not getting snow since last week here.


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Same here...we had such a lovely warm weekend, and then got a dumping of snow!

    Diane C

    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    I live in NorCal. Oh, what we'd give for piles of snow!

    Methinks Miss Zoe's in danger of being late for school today. I suspect that by leaving her door open, she's going to have a dead battery and a very cold bum.


    Tuesday 18th of March 2014

    Good thing she only has to make it from her bedroom to the kitchen table to do school! ;)

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