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Randomness for Labor Day

I was busy yesterday getting a whole big post done, showing you what I did with these two nightstands.

(Spoiler alert: I didn’t paint either of them white. Are you proud??)

old furniture in a truck bed.

Anyway, I remembered that today is Labor Day, which means that a lot of you will not be reading blog posts.

painted nightstand base.


Soooo, I decided to wait until Wednesday to share that post, when you all are back in your regular routines.

(Tomorrow is Five Frugal Things day, of course.)

For today, we’ll have some randomness.

eBay-selling printable

A reader asked if I could make a printable list of the steps for selling books on eBay, soooo I did that and added it to the end of the post.

Click here to read my “How to Sell Books on eBay” post, and then scroll to the bottom for the printable if you want it. 🙂

Kristen with three packages.

A note on that topic: sometimes it takes a long while for a book to sell on eBay. So, I have a “set it and forget it” approach. I list the books, put them on my shelf of listed-for-sale books, and then go about my life.

Then it’s always a pleasant surprise when I get the, “You’ve made a sale!” email from eBay.

Consider making a unique username

In the comments, I sometimes notice that there are, for example, a bunch of Amandas or a bunch of Lindsays or a bunch of Heathers.

I’m not confused by this because in my dashboard, I can see people’s email addresses, so I can tell people apart by that.

But on the reader’s end, all people see is the name you leave, and they might not know which Lindsay or Amanda or Heather you are!

Sooo….if you have a common name, you might want to add something unique. Like… “Amanda in Florida” or “Amanda G.”

And you can totally make something up. If you don’t want to share where you live, you can leave a name that says, “Amanda in Tahiti”. And we will all be jealous of you. 😉

Hawaii ocean.

Some of you already do customize your names and it’s so helpful. You know how we have JD in Florida, a longtime commenter. She just goes by JD because she is the original. 😉

But when JD in NM started commenting, she added the “in NM”, and I love that because it means we don’t get the two of them confused.

Want to share photos and more with other readers?

Here in the comments, we are pretty limited in what we can all share, other than text and links.

But if you’ve got a question you’d like to pose to other readers, or you want to share a picture of something you’ve made/built/cooked/decorated, then come join us in the private Frugal Girl Facebook group! In there, anyone can start a post, not just me.

screen shot of facebook group homepage.

Click here to join the group.

I’ll just need to approve you, but I try to get to that every day and your wait shouldn’t be long.

It’s not like anything super secret goes on in there; I just have it set to private so that I don’t have to deal with a bunch of spam. 🙂

Speaking of….

Are your comments disappearing? Email me!

I have a spam filter on here because otherwise, I would spend a lot of time every day deleting spam comments.

spam comment foler.

However, sometimes the filter gets a bit overactive and sends perfectly good comments into the spam bin.

If you notice that your comments aren’t appearing, just send me an email and I can peek in the spam bin to see if you’re there.

I try to remember to check it regularly, but sometimes I forget, so please don’t feel bad emailing me to ask.

Also: I almost never remove reader comments unless they are downright offensive to other readers. So if your comments aren’t appearing, it’s likely that they got spammed, not removed by me. 🙂 

I got my flu shot

I am almost done with all my nursing school health requirements now!

kristen's arm with a band aid.

Just one more hepatitis shot in November and then I truly am done. For this year, at least. 😉

I have not bought an Owala water bottle

Now that I started school, I have noticed that Owala bottles are the new “it” water-holding vessel.

owala water bottles.

And here I thought Stanley cups were still the very height of water bottle fashion. 😉

I think reusable water bottles are a wonderful alternative to disposable bottled water but I’m pretty sure the environmental benefits disappear if you buy a new fashionable water bottle every time the trends change.

A built-for-a-lifetime bottle is best to be kept and used for a lifetime!

So. I’m still carrying my metal water bottle that I got for free at Fincon in 2019.

yellow metal water bottle.

If it becomes unusable, then perhaps I will consider getting whatever the current best water bottle is (I do like how colorful the Owala is, plus it’s pretty affordable and this reviewer DOES say it’s a great bottle.)

But for now, my yellow bottle and I will stay friends.

Can I make it through nursing school without being influenced to buy an Owala? Stay tuned. 😉


And that’s the end of this edition of randomness. Happy Labor Day!

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    Colleen H

    Thursday 7th of September 2023

    I find in so interesting all the water bottle/carrier trends! I have wanted a hydroflask bottle for a long time (several years) as I have loved my hydro coffee canister. I bought one on sale Monday after scouting for ones locally. The local shops didn’t carry the size I was looking for so I purchased online. I do have lighter reusable bottles for when I’m walking near home or to church. What types of bottles does everyone prefer??


    Tuesday 5th of September 2023

    I have not jumped on the "latest water bottle trend" -- I find the Stanley bottles that everyone is carrying SO BIG....also, they are VERY pricey!! I have my trusty Healthy Human I have been carrying for years -- purchased on sale, and I love it. I do not need 8 water bottles just because it is the latest thing. It's great is people are using them, but if everyone is buying 3-4 different ones, it defeats the purpose - and is a wasted expense. They will all be at a yard sale or thrift store soon :)

    Lauren the Semi-Domestic Demi-Goddess

    Tuesday 5th of September 2023

    I fixed my user name.

    I have such a hard time with water bottles, and I've tried so many that I feel I've defeated the purpose of having a reusable one. I feel like the stainless steel imparts a taste, and the silicone on my glass one smells. The iterations of plastic bottles may or may not contain BPS or BPA and whatever else, and they leave condensation. I'm still hunting for my "Goldilocks" water container.

    PS. I was given a Stanley, and I'm shocked by how incredibly heavy it is. Like, it's use-as-a-weapon heavy.

    Dawn in WA

    Tuesday 5th of September 2023

    Since I don't like lukewarm beverages, finding Hydroflasks was a game changer for me. However, since they are expensive, I waited until Dick's Black Friday sale to buy my first one - a boring grey narrow necked 24 oz bottle. The following year I couldn't resist the lime green 40 oz one (we take it to Hawaii every time and it's a great size for the 2 of us at the beach). The following year, I realized 1, I don't need to carry around a 32 oz bottle when I rarely drink more than 8-12 oz, and 2, feeding 1 cube of ice at a time into my narrow mouth bottles is a pain, so I found the 16 oz "coffee" flask which is a perfect size for my ice water. 2 years ago I picked up a 2nd one in that size which is perfect for a can of soda or seltzer with ice. I have boots on all of them (purchased through Amazon at at a discount) so no clanging and it helps avoids some of the dents. Now, I don't look at the Dick's Black Friday ad because I. Don't. Need. Another. Hydroflask. (I'll keep repeating this for the next 3 months!)


    Monday 4th of September 2023

    Happy Labor Day! We had a birthday party today for my kid who was born on Labor Day (a few years ago now). I am also using a water bottle from 2019. It was bought after a string of bad water bottles that kept breaking between 2013 and 2019 after I replaced a 12 year old Nalgene bottle. I don't think my current water bottle will last 12 years, but I like that it fits in the side pouch of my backpack. One of my kids has about 12 water bottles because people keep giving them to her as presents. I remember when I was her age, everyone gave lotion. Now everyone gives water bottles.

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