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Rats. I let the sun go down.

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

So, my food waste picture has unfortunate lighting. Oh well.


These are some grilled onions and peppers that lived in my fridge for too long, which is really quite sad because I do like them leftover. It was just a case of having too many good leftovers all at once, I guess.

I also found a bad clementine in the bag shortly after I got home from the store, and one of the oranges in my fridge got moldy.

Those got composted promptly, though, so I have no photographic evidence of that waste.

Things are lookin’ pretty good for the upcoming week, foodwaste-wise. I’m quite on top of my leftovers, and my produce is all still fairly young (I get nervous when I have a bunch of aging produce to deal with at once!)


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Those of you who participate in Food Waste Friday can now grab a fancy-schmancy button to perk up your posts. If you copy and paste the following code into your Food Waste Friday post, this little graphic will appear.


If you blog on WordPress, just make sure you’re in html mode when you copy and paste the code, or it won’t work properly.

Joshua’s 365 post: Untitled

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Helen - myliladventures

    Friday 12th of April 2013

    Made a huge crockpot of vegetable bean soup yesterday cleaning out the fridge. *thumbs up*


    Friday 12th of April 2013

    Made soup again with my leftovers......


    Friday 12th of April 2013

    I forgot about a package of chicken that my houseguest had purchased and it did not smell good when I checked on it. So it ended up in the trash. I felt bad for wasting meat, but it wasn't the free range chicken that I prefer to buy at least. I have a bunch of cilantro in the fridge that I forgot to use in my quinoa pilaf, so if it is still mostly good I think it might be time to make some salsa.


    Friday 12th of April 2013

    Definitely better to err on the side of caution with chicken!


    Friday 12th of April 2013

    I've had to toss a lot of bread products this week - moldy whole wheat bagels and moldy hot dog buns. I don't like to put them in the refrigerator (if that even helps....??) and freezing them just makes them taste bad to me. I inadvertently bought a bunch of cilantro instead of the parsley that I needed for a recipe, so I know that's turning mushy in the crisper (I already *had* another bunch of cilantro I was trying to use up....) I'm trying harder than ever to not let food go to waste, but (sigh) this week was not my best effort.

    Helen - myliladventures

    Friday 12th of April 2013

    Hey if your cilantro isn't totally spoiled, toss into the blender with minced garlic, pinch of salt and a healthy glug or two of extra virgin olive oil. You now have cilantro garlic sauce in which you can freeze in ice cubes then transfer to a freezer bag. Pull as needed to flavour cooking or melt over freshly steamed veggies. OR you could add more EVOO and keep in fridge. I scoop out enough to generously coat freshly boiled pasta. YUM!

    (I don't recommend adding parmesean cheese until serving)

    Terri B.

    Friday 12th of April 2013

    We do pretty good with out leftovers here. My husband is pretty good about taking them to lunch with them him when he eats.

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