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Remember when I Shoe-Goo-ed my black flats?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I share a photo or two and just a few words.

(I wrote about that and another shoe repair right here.)

Well, that stuff only holds for so long.

shoe goo fail

(Which I can’t exactly complain about, because the Shoe GOO did buy me another two years.)

I could reglue the sole, but its departure from the bottom of the shoe has nicely coincided with this, the peeling of the fake leather.

worn out flats

Which means that these shoes are really just done.

When I bought these shoes, I was at a place in my life where I thought more about price and a little less about how long things would last.   And that’s why my shoes weren’t real leather.

The next pair I buy will be different.

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    Thursday 27th of February 2014

    I just bought my daughter a pair of unshoes, and I thought of you, Kristen! I am totally in love with this company--I was looking for a minimalist shoe for a toddler that would last to be a hand-me-down for her sister. I had previously bought her skidders from target, which I like, but I don't think they are going to last for a second go-around. Anyway, these shoes are made in the USA and from a small company. Like I said, totally in love. Granted, those not living in Arizona might not be able to pull off sandals year-round :)

    Kate Fahey

    Wednesday 26th of February 2014

    Do you have any suggestions for how to get rid of shoes (leather or otherwise) instead of just tossing them in the trash?


    Monday 24th of March 2014

    There are some recycling companies that take clothing, shoes, etc and operate as fundraisers (a 2-for!). Here in MA we have Bay State Textiles that have drop-off bins at several of our schools and the school gets money from the weight collected.


    Wednesday 26th of February 2014

    I wish! I couldn't think of a darn thing to do with mine, so I threw them in the trash. :(

    Laura Vanderkam

    Tuesday 25th of February 2014

    I was just contemplating what I could use to repair a pair of (leather) boots that have the sole slightly separated from the boot part. I will go order Shoe goo! Good to know.


    Wednesday 26th of February 2014

    And it comes in black now, which is perfect if your boots are black. (I used clear on my shoes, since I didn't realize black was available.)


    Tuesday 25th of February 2014

    I've had lots of luck with Born flats (and heels and boots) and Sofft heels. They are pricier at the outset, but absolutely worth it. I've got a pair of silver flats (my favorite ones!) that I've had since March 2007 and have worn at least weekly since then. The biggest problem is that they're usually made in China. I've got a pair of Munro shoes (made in US) which are also great, but pricier still, and not as fashion-forward. But all of these brands are comfy enough to walk around a hospital all day in.


    Tuesday 25th of February 2014

    I have a pair of flats with a sole that split right in the middle of the ball of my foot. I'm planning on having them repaired, rather than throwing them out! I did buy a new pair of leather flats to replace them in the meantime, however, since the only cobbler near us is 30 miles north. I'll take them in next time we go up that way, but it's not worth the drive otherwise.

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