(These aren’t repurposed, but they are cute, and they are in my kitchen. Plus, I needed a photo at the top of the post, so there’s that.)
If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that I love to find new uses for old stuff. Heck, I wrote a whole ebook about ways to breathe new life into old clothes, and my enthusiasm for this is certainly not limited to clothes.
While I’m currently trying very hard to only buy kitchen items that will stand the test of time (Ideally, I’d like to not have any old kitchen items to repurpose!), I’ve got kitchen stuff from Mr. FG’s bachelorhood and from the early years of our marriage that are wearing out.
So, I replace them with high-quality stuff by reading the equipment reviews from Cook’s Illustrated (the reviews are seriously worth the price of admission) and then I try to think of alternate uses for the old equipment.
Here are a few ways that’s worked out at my house.
This old, worn-out nonstick pot from Mr. FG’s bachelor days holds all of our Magnetix toys.
The great thing about it is that the magnets stick to the pot, so if you turn it upside down, it makes a great spot to build things.
Of course, you all know about my brand-spankin’ new ladle, which I am deeply in love with. Well, the worn-out one it replaced has found a new home in the bathtub, along with another spoon from that same bachelor set. Sonia and Zoe are very pleased.
Because when you make bubble soup in the tub, you always need something to stir it with and something to serve it with. 😉
When I arranged the shelves in our fridge, I ended up with one extra, and it happened to be the perfect size to hold our watercolor paints.
In a variation on a theme, this is an ice cube container that’s from my parents’ old fridge. I used to use it to hold ice cubes in our old fridge, but our new-ish fridge came with an ice cube container.
So, now this one holds Joshua’s pencils and markers.
This 1/3 cup measuring cup used to have a handle on it, but it broke clean off one day. Fortunately, 1/3 cup is exactly the amount of oatmeal you need to make a single serving, so now this handle-less cup just stays in the oatmeal bin. It makes mixing up a bowl of oatmeal very convenient.
You all are well aware of my love for Pyrex. But back when I got married, Pyrex didn’t seem to make the lovely containers that they do now, so I had Rubbermaid plastic containers. I don’t need them for food storage at this point, but I’m here to tell you that the rectangular ones make very, very lovely spice holders.
I did this when I organized my kitchen cabinets last year, and it’s still the best change I made during that process. I’ve got them grouped by type (sweet spices, Italian spices, Southwest spices), and it’s so, so easy to find what I need now without making a big mess.
Highly recommend this!
Have you ever found a new use for an old kitchen item? Do share!
Mrs. Ripples
Friday 5th of April 2013
I like your idea for using containers to organize spices. I'm going to have to try it. I have tons of extra containers and my cupboard that has all my spices is a mess. I can never find anything.
Thanks for the idea.
Sunday 31st of March 2013
since you cook a lot, I highly recommend Penzey's or The Spice House. The former always sends out coupons for free bottles of spices. If you don't have a location near you, they have mail order. Ounce per ounce, their prices are lower than supermarket spices and the quality is much higher.
RebeccaScaglione - Love at First Book
Friday 29th of March 2013
Oh my gosh, I loooooove this post! I don't have any kids, but I like the idea of how you repurposed so it wasn't just recycled or trashed!!! Although, recycling is great but repurposing is too!!!
Thursday 28th of March 2013
You rock. Because seriously, all these homeschooling blogs with the perfectly sharpened colored pencils in the ideal $30 basket make me tired. I think, "I am barely surviving each and every day, and this woman has stickers in a box labeled 'stickers' with her label maker! Wha? Who has time for this? SHOULD anyone have time for this?" Some slightly-snarky part of me just loves that you plunk the colored pencils and markers all together in an old ice tray and and leave this testament: "My kids are perfectly happy. Also, I have not slowly gone insane separating and managing my art supplies in craft store caddies. Thank you very much."
Thursday 28th of March 2013
This made me laugh.
I do try to keep my home fairly uncluttered and organized, but I have never used a label maker, our Legos are all mixed together in a big bin, and my junk drawer is perpetually messy.
I also have had plenty of days where I feel like I'm barely surviving, so you are NOT alone. ;)
Thursday 28th of March 2013
An old saucepan which had lost its handle became a visual aid for teaching children, at church, about John Bunyan who was a tinker before being given to my children to use in the sandpit.