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Right now…

I am tired.

I usually write posts the night before, and I had intentions of sitting down tonight (Tuesday night) and writing another edition of our Tightwad Gazette series.

copy of Tightwad Gazette book on a table.

But I am too tired.

Actually, the problem is more that my brain is feeling fried; I feel like I can’t concentrate enough to do justice to a section of the Tightwad Gazette.

I had an exam on Monday and another one on Tuesday, so of course I spent the majority of the prior three days studying, studying, studying. That’s probably more what’s causing the brain exhaustion than the exams themselves!

Just like with painting, it’s the prep work that kills you. 😉

chiquita with her eyes shut.

I know I’m doing a good job in school; I’m getting good grades, but more importantly, I am really, truly learning things, as opposed to just cramming and memorizing.

I am working hard to understand things, put pieces together, and make connections.

As it turns out, doing this makes you rather tired.

cat napping in laundry basket.

Chiquita suggests a laundry basket nap to treat exhaustion

I am so, so close to finishing this first 8-week class, though. Lemme tell you how close!

I have:

  • clinical Wednesday (today as you read this)
  • clinical Thursday
  • a group presentation Thursday
  • a remediation assignment due Saturday (a review assignment for NCLEX prep)
  • a 100-question final next Wednesday

And I only have to get a 75/100 on the final to keep my grade, so that’s not too stressful.

nursing school notecards.

After that, I have a four-day break before pediatrics (another 8-week course) starts.

But I have several pediatric pre-course assignments to do before day 1, so it’s not quite exactly a break. 😉 And I’m also trying to squeeze in my two required October tech shifts at the hospital.

Kristen looking stressed, wearing a blue shirt.

I keep reminding myself that the end is in sight. Once I finish the 8-week pediatrics class, I’ll have just ONE more semester left.

I can do this, one day at a time, one module at a time, one exam at a time.

But right now, I am going to go to bed and hope that some sleep helps my brain reset.

Thanks for hanging with me during nursing school!

P.S. To give you an idea of my current mental state: I got my exam grade (a 50/50!!) while I was in the CVS parking lot yesterday morning, and I promptly burst into tears because I was very happy but also very tired. And when I am very tired, sometimes happiness comes with salt water. 😉 

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Saturday 12th of October 2024

You are a very hardworking lady!


Thursday 10th of October 2024



Thursday 10th of October 2024

Awww, thank you!


Thursday 10th of October 2024

Congratulations on your 50/50!!!! :))))

Pauline in Upstate NY

Thursday 10th of October 2024

Kristen, I hear your fatigue, but I know (KNOW) that you’ve got this. Your priorities are exactly right. Speaking as a retired RN, I know that in future years you will be thankful to have been in such a rigorous nursing program. You are going to be *superbly* prepared for the NCLEX! Hang in there — the end is getting closer…


Thursday 10th of October 2024

Yes, I remind myself that a rigorous school helps to ease the path into becoming a nurse!

Michelle H

Thursday 10th of October 2024

You've got this, Kristen! The end is in sight, take care of yourself.

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