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Right now, I am…

happy that my workout for today is done. I love what working out does for me; I do not love the process.

rep fitness bumper plate outside

REALLY happy that we are having a cool morning after a serious heat wave last week.

feeling great because I had a cool shower. I love a cool shower after exercising, but some of my family members take hot showers even when they are dripping with sweat. THEY ARE CRAZY.

hungry because I haven’t had breakfast yet.

delighted that Sonia and Zoe’s beds are painted and back in their rooms. Official pictures coming soon!

Zoe's bed painted white

kinda dreading menu planning. But I’ve got nothin’ planned for the week and I know I will regret it if I don’t do it.

hoping that my painting mojo will stay with me because I’ve still got a lot more painting on my bucket list. 😉

feeling a little dumb because I unthinkingly bought a gallon of the Benjamin Moore advance paint. I needed a whole gallon when I painted my kitchen cabinets, but, um, two beds and a dresser do not need a gallon.

oak kitchen cabinets painted white

And it’s $60/gallon paint, which makes this slightly painful.

(Luckily, I have a big list of ideas to help me feel terrible about my mistake.)

wishing that I had nothing I needed to do and could just binge Downton Abbey today with Sonia (I already watched the whole thing, but it’s Sonia’s first time through and I’ve been watching with her.)

excited that Mr. FG and I have a little getaway planned for later in July. We haven’t gone anywhere as just the two of us in a long time and we have some fun Air BnBs booked.


If you want to join me, feel free to do your own “right now” in the comments.

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    Patti P

    Wednesday 3rd of July 2019

    Hi there. It's been awhile since I've commented. I didn't read all the comments so if this is a double suggestion, sorry.

    Do you have a lot of paint left? If so, and Sonia chooses the light gray, go back to the paint store and use that as a base for the gray paint. They will just need to add the color tint. Probably won't charge you either if you explain why you have so much left!


    Wednesday 3rd of July 2019

    I go to a workout class on Monday and Tuesday mornings. I'm always so relieved to be done for the week. I've now been working out consistently for 16 months (completely unprecedented). But I still *hate* it. I've realized that it is ok to hate it - I'm still going which is the important thing. I don't think I will ever enjoy exercise, like my husband and others do. And that is ok.

    I do always take a hot shower afterwards though. No voluntary cold showers for me!


    Tuesday 2nd of July 2019

    Right now I ...

    1- Mad at myself for binging like a crazy person for the past week and gaining back 8 of the 20 pounds I had lost

    2- Pissed off and tired of home ownership. We've been in this house for 4 years now and there's always something wrong with it and it's money after money down the drain. I absolutely HATE being a home owner but my husband is against renting so...

    3- Trying to be grateful about the positive in my life : happy and healthy kids, a decent job, a generally good relationship with my husband, a new and nice looking car, etc

    Diane C

    Tuesday 2nd of July 2019

    Kristen, I've been thinking of you and your painting list. DH and I have been renovating a house for a year and we're almost finished, which means: painting time!, inside and out. Even painted the roof!

    We had all the kitchen, bath and laundry cabinetry custom made. To save money, we ordered everything unfinished. So, not just walls and ceilings, but sixty cabinet doors too. This morning, DH sprayed the ceilings, which is the very last step. I spent all afternoon removing miles of tape, paper and plastic.

    Oh, and the first super duper expensive paint we used for those sixty cabinet doors and the boxes did not go on well, so we sanded them all and used a different super duper expensive paint for a better result. You might recall that DH is a painting contractor by trade, but even with his discount, it still adds up.

    Since my husband specializes in "specialty surfaces" in his work, we also used some unusual products. The nasty orange fake tile metal roof got painted with black road paint and now looks amazing, and the stucco walls were coated in a paint that contains infra-red pigment to deflect the sun's rays and keep the house cooler, which is helpful since the roof is now black (hee). We know it's effective because we worked through a heat wave with no air conditioning and all the windows taped and covered in plastic in anticipation of the paint to come, and we didn't die of heat stroke.

    I'll be so happy when we are finished!


    Tuesday 2nd of July 2019

    Oh wow, that sounds like so much work! You will feel such a sense of relief when it's all done.

    Hawaii Planner

    Monday 1st of July 2019

    Right now I am: -Happy that my family is arriving tomorrow for the 4th of July week. -Annoyed with myself for snapping at my husband over a mutual disagreement. It was something we both needed a cooler head to deal with, and the timing was poor to try & handle maturely. -Grateful that the kids are getting along well, on week three of 24x7 brother time :-) -Feeling productive that I cleaned the moss out of our windows. We have a house at the beach, and it requires a lot of unique maintenance that's not required in a more inland house. I've gotten a lot of random chores done this week. -Wishing I had rented the carpet cleaner, rather than trying to spot clean

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