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Right now, I’m…


…a little tired. Which might be bad news for writing a Right Now post, because it could be a bit of a downer. We’ll see. Can my Pollyanna tendencies pull through???

Read on to find out!

(isn’t this exciting?)

…feeling slightly disorganized.

…in the middle of doing the seasonal clothing switch for my kids (which is part of the reason I’m feeling disorganized!)

…glad it appears that I won’t need to do a ton of shopping for girl clothes.

…thinking about where I might want to go to shop for Joshua’s clothes. I haven’t got much in the way of hand me downs for him, and his build is difficult to fit at a thrift store.

…happy that warm weather has finally arrived.

…sad that oak pollen will soon fill the air. Well, actually, I guess I’m more sad that Sonia’s allergic to it. Aside from that, I have nothing against oak pollen.

…pleased that I have all the necessary anti-allergy supplies here. I am ready!

…experiencing a touch of spring fever. I look forward to summer break as much as my kids do. 😉

…realizing that this was the scene less than three weeks ago. Things can change so much in a few weeks at this time of year.


…thinking, as it seems I often do, that parenting is no job for sissies. It’s less physically demanding now than it used to be when our kids were younger, but now it’s definitely more mentally challenging.

…remembering that I need to hurry and use some of my Groupons. I’ve got one for a restaurant and one for some photo books that are due to expire sort of soon. I think the photo book one expires first, so I better get moving on that. I did at least get started on one of the photo books, so, um, points for me there?

…remembering that I also need to type up a money email for April. Considering we’re nearly a third of the way through the month (whaaaa??) I should really get on that.

…glad that my kitchen has been filled with a lot of science activities of late (this particular time we were studying the water cycle, and the bowl contraption here showed the basics of how rain works.)


(The book we’re using is The Usborne Book of Science Activities, Vol. 3, which Sonia and Zoe really like.)

… pleased that I’ve got homemade yogurt in the fridge and whole wheat bread in the freezer. I hate it when I fall behind on either of those fronts, especially the yogurt front.

So, there you go. That was pretty perky for a tired person, right? Looking for the good does wonders, I say.


Joshua’s 365 post: Hanging without a Care (this is a cool photo, but if you totally lose it at the sight of a spider, you’ll want to skip it.)

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    Jennifer G

    Thursday 11th of April 2013

    Just a suggestion on Joshua clothes. Yard sales, but for a boy his age & build this might not be a possibility. Children's Place, I know they seem expensive, but if you watch the sales & sign up for their emails you can get clothes very reasonably as they will send you 15-20% off coupons. Many time I have gotten clothes for my grands cheaper at CP than Wal-Mart or Target:-)


    Thursday 11th of April 2013

    I'm a long time lurker! I also suffer from hayfever/pollen allergy, and what helps me is putting petroleum jelly (or any other greasy cream) around my eyes and nostrils. It will catch the pollen before they reach the sensitive areas.

    Kelly - RealFoodinaRealWorld

    Thursday 11th of April 2013

    Right now I am typing up blog posts because we are having a 4am thunderstorm and I'm sneezing so sleep isn't happening. I admire your ability to seek out the positive in life. It's something I'm always striving to do. Some days I'm a Debbie Downer, but more often I try to find the rainbows and sunshine even in the mundane. It reminds me of your posts on contentment. Contentment is a powerful thing.


    Wednesday 10th of April 2013

    Looking for the good does indeed do wonders :)

    I have been doing our wardrobe swap over the last couple of weeks and wouldn't you know it? After a few days of cold weather, we're back to hot again! As a southern hemisphere girl, and after a 3 month drought, I am soooooo ready for some rain and Autumn temperatures :) (but not as much as the cows are, poor things! The grass is very brown!) Loving that picture of snow!

    Currently I am - contemplating whether I should make soup or muffins first. Thinking I need a drink of water, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the enormous pile of washing I have to fold, and noticing I only have 2.5 hrs until school pick up. I may just waste the afternoon blog-hopping (I have a cold after all!) or I may do something productive (like eat lunch :) )

    Skirnir Hamilton

    Wednesday 10th of April 2013

    I do like these right now I am posts... cause then I have to do my own and it makes me think abit.

    I am enjoying the flavors in my mouth having just finished some fresh strawberry and pineapple with some strawberry yogurt and a small amount of raisin bran cereal, one of my favorite snacks.

    I am wishing I could have had ice cream with a tad of chunky peanut butter in it, but didn't have the calories. (I have to admit, I pouted some.)

    Hoping it cools off a little bit, so I can go for my bike ride. Was in the 80s today.

    Had a busy day grocery shopping, lunch and then helping unload the food pantry minivan for my local church. Lots of food to sort too, as they received a large donation from a local food drive. But we always have to check dates and put them on the shelf with what we already have.

    Hoping that all my volunteering and do gooding helps. I want to help others, but my cynic, says it can't be done. As we just moved to TN in November, and my husband has a well paying job, for now I am helping the local food pantry for about 5 hours a week and picking up trash/litter about 1 hour a week and other such things, in addition to cooking for the family, cleaning and trying to start a new blog.

    Hoping that my mood has finally improved, as for some reason it has been down since shortly before the move, for multiple reasons, some known, some not.

    Looking forward to and dreading summer at the same time. Looking forward to having an access to a swimming pool, as our condo association has a community pool, but dreading how hot TN is going to become. WI did not get that hot in the summer, which meant one could not go swimming outside in the summer much, but in TN, I wonder if much of my exercise is going to be either in the water, or on the treadmill, as it sounds like it gets really hot here.

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