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How to Save Money on Plus Size Clothes

Today’s post is a guest post, and if you’ve been around here for a while, you know those only happen once in a very, very, very blue moon. When I read blogs, I usually want to hear from the author of the blog, not someone else, and you guys have told me you feel the same way. But sometimes, there’s a topic that needs covering and I’m not brilliant/experienced enough to do it.

(That’s why I published a guest post up about cloth diapering.)

Anyway! When I asked what frugal things you struggle with, several of you asked for tips on shopping for plus size clothing. Since the curvy genes completely skipped me over, I’m woefully ill-equipped to answer this question.

(My expertise lies more in the area of skinny-fying clothing for my kids! )

So I reached out to a fellow frugal blogger, Jazmin, who happens to be of the curvy persuasion, and she was kind enough to write a guest post for me. Thank you, Jazmin.

How to save money on plus size clothes

As a plus size shopper, I know how difficult it can be to balance the art of wearing fashionable clothing on a budget. While I don’t necessarily consider myself to be a fashionista, I’ve found a few ways to indulge my desire for non-frumpy clothing while still saving a few bucks.

Online Savings

My preferred money-saving method is online shopping. However, I shop intentionally and in a very specific way.

I prefer to shop the clearance section during a great sale and ideally, I will also hunt for a coupon code that can be applied to clearance items; this requires some very close reading of the fine print of the coupon since many exclude clearance in their terms.

The clearance item + coupon code combo is used almost every single time I purchase clothing online, although sometimes, I don’t feel the need to wait for a sale if an item is an absolute steal.

Another way to maximize your savings is to go through a cash-back website like eBates or ShopAtHome. Admittedly, I’m bad about remembering to follow this tip. But if you shop online often, the cash-back can add up nicely.

In-Store Savings

When shopping in person, I almost exclusively shop at discount stores ““ mainly Ross Dress for Less. I’ve found that discount stores tend to offer the most bang for your buck while offering trendy styles. I prefer shopping at Ross because they have a great plus size section in terms of style and variety. I’ve had good luck at Marshall’s and Burlington Coat Factory in the past as well.

plus size clothing at Ross Dress for Less

If you’re shopping at a “regular” retailer like Macy’s, Kohl’s or Target, the prices will be higher, and the plus size selection will be smaller, but it’s still possible to get a good deal.

Personally, what I try to do is ignore anything that isn’t on sale or isn’t clearance. If you know you’re going to be stopping at a particular store in advance, search online for printable coupons before heading out. The same goes for in-store shopping at specifically plus size stores such as Lane Bryant and Torrid.

Thrifting for Plus Size Clothing

As of late, thrift shopping has been my favorite way to save money on plus size clothes. As with most thrift shopping, it’s hit or miss. But, this is especially true with plus size clothing since they’re typically carried in very limited quantities at thrift stores.


My local Goodwill has just one lonely row of plus size clothing (the row pictured at the top of the post is it). Unfortunately, this row consists of only tops. So, if your store is anything like mine, I recommend you set your expectations accordingly.

With that said, I’ve walked out of Goodwill with tons of cute shirts ““ some from what I consider to be pricey name brands like Lane Bryant and Calvin Klein that I would never even consider paying full price for. I average two to three shirts per shopping trip, with each shirt costing just about $3.50.

Additional Tips:

““ Know when to pay for quality. Jeans are something that I’m willing to spend a bit more money on. Finding a good, flattering fit on a budget isn’t easy ““ and it isn’t something I’ve yet mastered.

““ Know your measurements and compare them to online size charts before placing an order.

““ Use reward/loyalty programs if you shop at a particular store often.

Jazmin Rode blogs at Frugality Gal, where she chronicles her experiences with freezer cooking, coupon-free shopping and living life on a budget.


Hey, lovely readers! If you’ve got tips to add to Jazmin’s, please do share in the comments and help your fellow curvy (and frugal) girls out. 🙂

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    Monday 27th of July 2015

    This was pointless. Basically we were told to bargain shop. Duh. Doesn't everyone pretty much do that anyway?


    Monday 28th of November 2016

    Hi, I love your tips, I use plus size clothing and also have an Ebay store offering branded Gently used plus size clothing, This is also a good way to save. If you're interested in looking into my inentory please visit my store, thank you so much for the opportunity:


    Friday 26th of June 2015

    The biggest tip I can give is I have tops that I love and have had for over 7 years. I wash according to directions but NEVER dry them. They keep their color and shape for years by not going into the dryer! :)


    Monday 9th of March 2015

    Shopping sales and thrift stores is a great way to expand your wardrobe, especially if you are losing curves, or gaining curves. I have done both. A great tailor is a friend indeed. I have found that even with alterations- hems, sleeves, darts, etc., to give a more tailored fit, it is still worth the price of alterations. If you don't know where to look for a tailor, try dry cleaners, or men's stores. Men don't think twice about having their clothes altered. Women on the other hand, will not purchase if clothing is not perfect off the rack. Thanks, Pat

    Abbie R.Hale

    Tuesday 16th of December 2014

    Thanks for the information. A great article. For me the best way to save money is by buying clothes on thrift shop. You can buy fabulous clothes their at 1/4 of price. I have also read an article thrift shopping for plus size individuals like me, here . Try to check it guys.

    Delores H Bailey

    Saturday 13th of September 2014

    The online shops have better alternatives in the plus size clothing from the regular shops in terms of fashion and saving money too. The post is great. I would like to add more to it. The first thing you need to do is to decide your budget. All the clothes you like should be pushed into your cart. Once you are done choosing you can visit your cart and compare all the picked items. this is helpful in buying clothes in your budget and thus saving money.

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