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Simple Happinesses

I thought all these pictures on my memory card were random, but really, they’re not. They all capture small, simple happinesses.

I take pictures of things that are beautiful…things that make my heart happy.

A Break the Ice game between Mr. FG and Sonia.

Candyland too.

A colorful sunset outside my back door.

A date night dinner with Mr. FG…we used our date night money to buy some dry scallops from a local seafood store, and then we used a Cook’s Illustrated recipe to grill them (I had a copy of the magazine from the library.)

Heaven on skewers. And their method really DOES keep the scallops from sticking to the grill. I was amazed.

So worth using our whole date night budget for the week!

An unseasonably warm day.

The water scenery we can enjoy even though we don’t live waterfront.

The ability to pack up and take school down to the neighborhood pier.

Because doing flashcards on a pier with your bare feet dangling over the water…well, it doesn’t stink.

A seagull that came to visit us.

The way the sun is sparkling on the left side of the boat ramp. See it?

Sunshine. I love me some sun.

Children who are easily entertained.

Down by our pier, they recently fixed the edge of the road, which means there’s a strip of really smooth blacktop on the hill.

It’s perfect for scooters, which all three of the girls have (Lisey’s is from Goodwill, and Sonia and Zoe’s were Christmas presents.) They have so much fun with these!

And I’m happy because the scooters are sturdy, low-tech, and they encourage the girls to be active and outside.

There really is a lot of space between that section and the boat ramp, so don’t worry…no one was in danger of scootering into the water. 😉

Zoe had an unfortunate slipping accident when she was running on a grassy (and muddy) area.

Fortunately, there’s water nearby for hand-washing.

And a little mud wasn’t enough to keep her off of her scooter.

They went up and down that hill somewhere around 742 times, I think. But the sun started to set and so we headed home after a while.

Do you ever have moments where you just look around and think how beautiful life is?

Me too.

Scooters do carry them faster than my legs carry me.

But I am thankful for obedient girls who stop at the stop sign and wait for me (they’re waving at the mail lady.)

Obedience is good for one’s safety*, isn’t it?

I know I say this often, but if you develop an eye for the lovely things in life that don’t cost much, you’ll find joy even when you haven’t got much in the way of money.

I’ve said that in photos and words before: Simplicity.

Enjoy the little things,

for one day you may look back and realize

they were the big things.

~Robert Brault


Today’s 365 post: Sunday Waiting

Joshua’s 365 post: Amazing Grace

*speaking of safety, I know the girls don’t have helmets on. That’s because I just discovered that we need to go helmet shopping because their noggins have all grown…and Sonia’s head is no smaller than Zoe’s, which means her helmet definitely can’t be handed down! Although I bet Lisey’s helmet will fit one of the younger two…)

I promise we were only on the real road for a block or so, though, and it’s a quiet block. And I promise we’ll go helmet-shopping before we do any biking. 😉

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    Saturday 18th of February 2012

    Love this post! Just found your blog and was reading through, you're a talented writer and seem to have a very happy home. We've been enjoying the mild winter too, but my thoughts hadn't wandered to the community beach. I'm almost "homesick" for the beach now, the pics look so similar to our area (creeks are wider...but wow.) I've been inspired to take a walk with the little one with school out Monday.

    Jan Elizabeth

    Saturday 4th of February 2012

    What lovely options homeschooling gives you. And I love that saying! I'm going to put it somewhere I can see it.

    I made yogurt for the first time today, and it was the best I've ever tasted! Thanks for all your sharing, Kristen. Your blog is enriching my life!

    Kathleen G

    Friday 3rd of February 2012

    My 25 yr old daughter and I both saw the same thing when we looked at the first photo of the clouds. We saw fingers, thunb and the palm of the hand. It's like a reminder that God has us covered by His hand.


    Friday 3rd of February 2012

    Love it. We do tend to over look the simple things in life.

    Great set of happy shots :)


    Friday 3rd of February 2012

    what a great post. we live in GA now, but we used to live in MD. we lived in a water community also and seeing your pics of the pier and your girls scooting through the neighborhood just remind me of how much I miss our house in MD. glad to see you had such a wonderful day!

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