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So, I did actually go shopping this week.

And I spent more than the $20 I shelled out last week.   😉

However, if there’s a reward for being the most disorganized, random shopper, well, this week I’d win it.

First up, last Friday I had some coupons for a local grocery store, so I popped in there for a few things.

small grocery stop

I had a coupon for a free muffin, $1 off bread (I bought a loaf that was $1.29), $2 off meat (the marked-down uncured sausage was $3.67, so $1.67 after the coupon), and $2 off produce.

And I bought the milk and eggs full price because I needed them!

I spent $15 on that stop, even with the coupons, which reminded me just how lovely Aldi’s low prices are.

Speaking of Aldi, early in the week, we realized that we were completely out of butter, which is kind of an emergency.


So I went to Aldi to pick up butter, and some other things we were out of.   I spent $68.16 for these groceries.


I’d planned to do a more official grocery shopping trip early in the week, but I kinda procrastinated on that, so I stopped into a local grocery store for necessities ($37.15) for the meals I was making.

And finally, I was near Costco on an errand, so I stopped to fill up my van with gas, and also popped into Costco for coffee for Mr. FG and for milk.   I spent $24.42 there.

Oh, and it was produce box week, which costs me $33.

Altogether, my random trips ended up totaling  $177.73.


I had a different dinner planned, but my day went wonky in the afternoon (because, parenting).

So I ended up rummaging through the freezer to see what could be cooked quickly!

grilled sausages

I found several packages of sausages, which I grilled.   I also discovered a package of frozen, marked-down croissants (I just halved and heated those in the oven) and I roasted some carrots from the fridge.

Sausages are not the cheapest thing to eat for dinner, at least by themselves, but I like to keep them around for occasions such as these because they are still far cheaper than eating out.


We had turkey and ham hot subs (with lettuce, tomatoes, mustard, and mayo), plus veggie chips from Aldi, and sliced apples.


I made paninis, and this time I filled them with chicken, mozzarella, and pesto, and I added some sliced tomatoes after I cooked the paninis.

(Because some members of my family are squicked out by warm tomatoes.)

We had fresh pineapple with our paninis.


I made clam chowder  early in the day because I had kind of a crazy day planned.   I used leftover homemade French bread from the paninis to make garlic bread, and we had a green salad as well.

clam chowder


It’s pizza night, but my kids are going to be here and there, so I’m not sure exactly what dinner will look like tonight!


Oh, before I go, I want to share a time-sensitive thing.   Limeapple (a small company that makes the activewear sets from Costco which I reviewed earlier this year) also makes comfy holiday dresses for active girls, and today they’re having a one-day 40% off sale.

holiday dress sale promo 3 (4)

They sent Sonia and Zoe each a  Gracie dress, and while this dress is fancy enough for a holiday event, it’s made of stretchy, activity-friendly material.   Aaand, its washable, which is great, because I am not about to dry-clean my children’s clothes (not even holiday clothes!)

Our Limeapple activewear sets are looking brand new even after many washes, so I think these holiday dresses will still be in great shape when it’s time to hand them down to my nieces.

One note: we find that Limeapple clothes run a little bit on the big side, so do be sure to use their size chart when you order, and go by that rather than by the size your girls usually wear.

I don’t get a kickback when you order from Limeapple and these are not affiliate links.   But 40% off of a dress from a small company that makes high-quality clothing is a deal worth checking out, so, there you go.

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    Wednesday 18th of November 2015

    I just found packages of 8 sausages for .99 cents each at my local Krogers. I bought all they had and tossed them in the freezer :) I buy so much discount meat....the good meat is so expensive otherwise!


    Wednesday 18th of November 2015

    I love when stores mark food down instead of just letting it expire and then trashing it. And I feel like buying the marked-down items encourages them to keep on doing it, so I feel like I'm making a principled decision AND saving money.

    Laura Vanderkam

    Sunday 15th of November 2015

    You are the Frugal Girl if you managed to get out of Costco for $24. I walk in and I'm like "well, the toilet paper is cheap, and we always do need toilet paper, and since I'm here..."


    Monday 16th of November 2015

    Haha, it IS easy to do that. And it only takes maybe 6 things at Costco before you hit $100!


    Saturday 14th of November 2015

    We FINALLY got an Aldi store and I am ecstatic! I found many items that are comparable to what I have been buying elsewhere at quite the savings, although their produce was pretty sad. I'm hoping it's the whole new store, gotta get things/suppliers figured out. Also our store is much smaller than some I have visited when we were out of town. But beggars can't be choosers!


    Tuesday 17th of November 2015

    Hang in there! I actually go to our Aldi specifically for the produce, they even have organic at great prices (apples bananas carrots) - hopefully yours improves!


    Saturday 14th of November 2015

    It sounds like I had the same supermarket coupons as you. I would never buy a muffin at the supermarket (or anywhere actually!) but I took advantage of the free coupon. My daughters selected the gigantic double chocolate muffin. We actually cut it into sixths (!) and our family of five shared it for a snack this afternoon. Now we have to fight over the leftover slice. Holy moly though, that was a huge muffin (aka piece of cake!).


    Saturday 14th of November 2015

    Yes...muffins are awfully easy to make, so I'm never tempted to buy them in a store. Plus I often feel like the ones in the store have sort of an odd texture, or they leave a weird feeling in my mouth. It's almost a greasy feeling.

    So yeah, homemade muffins are where it's at!

    Kim from Philadelphia

    Saturday 14th of November 2015

    I'm too lazy and not remembering well enough to recap the whole menu, but we ate at home and had pretty good stuff. I really enjoy Trader Joes frozen fish- some marinated, some not. It's my version of avoiding takeout!

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