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So, this must be the right extra-curricular activity…

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

The other day Zoe and I were having a conversation about what activities carry on during the summer vs. the ones that don’t.

I think she was concerned that too many things were still going on during the summer, and I pointed out that, among other things, ballet is done until September.

ballet shoes

And immediately she said, “Who would ever want a break from ballet??”


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    Susan T.

    Friday 22nd of May 2015

    Yes, ballet is expensive, but I would do it all over again for my daughter who started at at age 6 and took dance through college. There are so many outcomes I didn't expect: discipline, focus, concentration, amazing sequential memory, flexibility, strength, balance, poise, appreciation of classical music, spacial awareness, respect for others, patience, self-confidence, leadership, a lovely friend group, and, of course, French! It was worth the she got a great college scholarship because of dance, so we got most of the $$ back!!


    Friday 22nd of May 2015

    Oh boy! Put some mone aside. 6 classes a week plus points shoes at $85 a pair (sometimes they last less than a month!) is in your future.


    Friday 22nd of May 2015

    I'm not just gonna bury my head in the sand and not think about that right now. Hee.

    (Though if it looks like that will actually happen down the road, I will probably start a ballet fund. Because I know how I roll!)


    Thursday 21st of May 2015

    Hello Kristen,

    Do you ever feel that the ballet costumes are too revealing for girls? Is there a guideline for girls to dress modestly in the bible?

    Thank you.


    Thursday 21st of May 2015

    Well, I don't think the Bible lays out specific guidelines.

    But the ballet school we go to has had outfits I'm comfy with so far...all less revealing than a one-piece bathing suit (they're leotards with various skirts to go over them). Not that I'm uncomfortable with one-piece suits...just saying that the ballet costumes have been even less revealing than that.


    Thursday 21st of May 2015

    I completely agree with Zoe! In our house, karate is done year round for the past 12 years. The only shorts breaks were for family vacations & actual breaks (of wrists & feet). You know when your kids love an activity: you never have to argue with them to go to class.


    Thursday 21st of May 2015

    Hey Kristen - toms shoes is celebrating (is that the right word? Observing, maybe?) no shoes day, and you can donate a pair of shoes by instagramming a picture of bare feet and tagging them. I thought of you when I got the email - frugal, donation, and instagram!


    Thursday 21st of May 2015

    Ooh! I'm barefoot, like, pretty much 100% of the time, so this will be easy. Ha.

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