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Soaking in the green

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

The other day when we were at the pool, I was noticing all the beautiful green that surrounds us right now.   It’s kind of hard to imagine that in a few months, it’ll all be brown and gray.

green of summer

When it gets to be about February, I get so used to the brown/gray thing, I can hardly remember what it’s like to live in a green world.   Sometimes in the winter, I come across a summer photo from my files and the green is almost shocking to see.

And then I wonder why I didn’t appreciate it more when it was here.

So: I’m in full  green-leaf-appreciation mode right now.

green of summer

And then I’ll be in colorful-leaf-appreciation mode.

After that: a countdown to the longer, warmer days.

(because I have a difficult time getting into cloudy-cold-and-short-day appreciation mode.   Is that even a thing??)

On December 22nd, I’m always all, “Ooh! The shortest day of the year is here. We’re on the way toward spring now.”

So, you know, the hopeful countdown to spring starts not too long after the days of colorful-leaf-appreciation. 😉

But for now: All Of The Green.

Pay attention! Soak it in!

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    Friday 11th of September 2015

    Hi Kristen, Its still green here but the berries are starting to come on the trees and bushes and by about November most of the trees will have red and yellow leaves on them (which are very pretty). But the nights are drawing in and its dark by about seven now. I hate it when we have to walk home in the dark. I really do think we should hibernating winter brrrr xx


    Friday 11th of September 2015

    I'm usually ok till after Christmas. January and February especially seem so interminably cold and dark after the Christmas lights get packed away! I'm definitely the girl that prays every year that God never wants us to move further north than our mid-Atlantic home, because there is not enough hot tea in the world to keep me warm in that case!


    Friday 11th of September 2015

    I've enjoyed this post and Ingrid's comment about being thankful not to be in the far north in winter. I live in Alaska and it can be hard with the short daylight in winter. And yes we love love love our long summer days!! As the leaves are mostly yellow now and starting to fall, I am trying to enjoy all I can before winter sets in.


    Thursday 10th of September 2015

    So I am not the only one who is happy to announce to their family 3 days before Christmas that winter solstice is here and the days are getting longer? Thank you Kristen! I thought I was alone in the joy of longer days and light. I do get a little sad when summer solstice arrives in June. But agree, love the green and colors.


    Thursday 10th of September 2015

    Good thinking, Kristen!

    Totally on the same page as far as liking the bright season much better than the darker. We can just be glad we don't live closer to the pole, i.e. Alaska, Northern Canada or Scandinavia; they get about three months of pretty much dark. Brrr... ! Now the midnight sun in June I could handle... :)

    We'll just have to keep a cheerful attitude and enjoy all the blessings we can find. Someone mentioned a hot cup of tea... yeah! Candles and baking are also enjoyable.

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