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Some bloggy housekeeping

Hey everyone! I’m here with a quick little weekend note about a few things.

1. I need some more meet-a-reader submissions

archive of meet a reader posts.

I have a few sets of questions emailed out to readers who volunteered, but I’m still waiting on those to be sent back.

(If you emailed me back with interview answers and I missed it, please let me know! Hopefully, I haven’t lost anyone’s submissions.)

So, if you’d like to participate, just send me an email and I’ll get the questions sent over to you.

If you are worried your life isn’t interesting enough, or you aren’t die-hard frugal enough, never fear! Readers will love to meet you, even if you feel like you are not-that-interesting. We love meeting fellow regular people. 🙂

Also, if you want to catch up on all the previous Meet a Reader posts, you can find ’em all right here.

2. Want to show me something? Or chat with other readers? Join my Facebook group!

I have a public Facebook page, but I also have a private Frugal Girl Facebook group. That’s better than the page because anyone in the group can start a post.

So, if you make something and you want to show me and other readers, you can share a picture. I love to see what you guys are cooking or rehabbing or how you are rescuing food/using leftovers, so please do come and show me!

Facebook group screenshot.

This reader shared some of her morning walk photos with me!

If you have a question for me and other readers (like: “I have way too much tomato paste. How do I use it up??”), you can share it and get answers right away.

If you want to rant about how expensive something is, you can share it with your other frugal kindred spirits.

If you want to share a frugal win, we’ll all cheer you on.


I know sometimes Facebook groups can get a little spicy, but the FG Facebook group feels a lot like the commenting section here. It’s a nice place to be. 😉

3. If you want to find me on social media, Instagram is the place to be

screenshot of Frugal Girl instagram profile.

I do try to share my Instagram posts to Facebook when I can, but Instagram is the spot you can most reliably find me.

I don’t share anything earthshaking there (which is probably true for most social media posts. Ha.), but I do share lots of pictures of the sights I see on my walks, some in-process pictures of my rehab projects, and reflections on my current circumstances.


And that’s all I’ve got for you today. 🙂

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Monday 22nd of August 2022

I always had trouble using up tomato paste, until I found this recipe, and it's my absolute favorite pasta recipe - and so easy! On Thursday I made tomato soup with a tablespoon of tomato paste, and the pasta sauce on Sunday with the rest of the can. High recommend. (Note - if you don't have vodka, you can swap out white grape juice or apple cider with a few drops of lime juice to get the same flavor impact).

Ali in the midwest

Sunday 21st of August 2022

Maybe those who did meet a reader 2+ or so years ago could do an update? Like what is saving my life right now, but more like what frugal things Iโ€™m doing now vs previously. Seasons change and peopleโ€™s circumstances change and so sometimes frugal habits may change. Just a thought.


Monday 22nd of August 2022

@Ali in the midwest, I like your idea.


Saturday 20th of August 2022

I spent $17 and change on a silcone basting brush today in my super overpriced yet one horse town.

Also, if you'd like, I could make up a completely fake reader with a stock photo image. That might be funny. "We don't plan meals. Every day, for lunch and dinner, we hand each child a spoon and bowl and they help themselves to their daily allotment of boiled giblets and turnips. Clothes mostly come off the city dump, and we build our own furniture out of refrigerator boxes. Frugal and eco-chic!"

No? *SIGH*

Heidi Louise

Sunday 21st of August 2022

@Rose, I am curious about communism and indoor plumbing.


Sunday 21st of August 2022

You got it! Gimme a week.

Heidi Louise

Saturday 20th of August 2022

@Rose, An additional post will be needed for her holiday and birthday activities. Not that her children are allowed birthday celebrations: They don't remember being born, and everyone was born once, so what's the point of a special day?


Saturday 20th of August 2022

Miss Frugaler-than-thou writes for her lifestyle blog,, where she writes about such subjects as "Running Water: Is it Really Necessary?" "Indoor Plumbing, Its Communist Beginnings," and "Sewing Your First Family Cloth, a Guide for Fourth-Graders." Most days, she can be found threshing wheat for the winter or boiling hogs' trotters for gelatin desserts."


Saturday 20th of August 2022

@Kristen, I would seriously write it. LMK, ha!

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