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Some frugal goals


Happy New Year!

I’m not much of a New Year’s resolution sort of person, but since posting my goals on my blog seems to work so well for me, I thought I’d write down a couple of money-related ones. I’ll try to remember to do a check-in post each month in which I will report on how well I’m doing with each goal.

1) I’d like for the kids and me to eat three non-cereal breakfasts per week. I do usually manage to purchase cereal pretty cheaply, but even cheaply obtained cereal is not as cheap as, say, oatmeal. If things go well, I may manage to give cereal the boot more than three mornings a week, but I’m going to set my goal at a manageable three for now.

I’ll post any well-received non-cereal breakfast recipes for you all, of course.

2) I’d like to save up an emergency fund that is equivalent to 3-6 months of living expenses by the end of the year. I’d REALLY like to get it up to six month’s worth by then, but I don’t know if that’s do-able. I’m going to do some calculations next week and come up with some hard numbers, as I’m not entirely sure what three or six months of living expenses adds up to.

3)I’d like to be more disciplined about keeping Quicken updated. I do a very good job of keeping up on our bills and paying everything on time, but I’m not the best at record keeping(actually, I stink at it!), and I know I’d feel better if I improved in this area.

4)I’d like to save up some money to use this summer. While my income from playing at church stays the same year round, my piano teaching income goes down dramatically in the summertime since most of my students take time off for at least part of the summer. In past years we haven’t done a very good job of preparing for this and so sometimes by the end of summer we’re not in very good shape financially. If we saved $1000 by the end of May, we’d have $333 for each month of the summer, and that coupled with the teaching money that I’m able to earn each month would be enough to keep us on track.

I’m a little nervous about my Quicken goal, as I’ve spent a good many years in a chronically behind state when it comes to my record keeping. But, I spent a good many years wasting food and by God’s grace, I’m now a reformed food-waster. So, I suppose it is possible that I could learn to be a good record-keeper in 2009. Stay tuned!

photo by faeryboots

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    5 Frugal Goals for the New Year

    Friday 1st of January 2010

    [...] I’m not a big New Year’s Resolution kind of girl, I did post a list of finance-related goals last year.  I reported on them pretty regularly for the first half of the year, and then I kind of [...]

    The Frugal Girl

    Tuesday 5th of May 2009

    [...] you’d like to get up to speed, check out my original goals post, and  my last [...]

    The Frugal Girl » Goal update(or, My how a month flies by!)

    Tuesday 31st of March 2009

    [...] way, those of you that are new around these parts may want to catch up by checking out my original goals post. [...]

    Dawn Fritzsch

    Tuesday 24th of March 2009

    Kristen, I just found your blog today & love it! I was raised in the "frugalist" (is that a word?) of homes by parents who loved to watch "the frugal gourmet" (does anyone remember Jeff Smith?) Anyway, I am a mom of 2 little girls (yours by your pics are so beautiful!); I am also a Professional Organizer and have enjoyed your discussions on motivation, organization and freecycle (of which I am a moderator in my community). I just wanted to introduce myself and will continue to enjoy your blogging. Thank you for the info. and social outlet. All my best, Dawn

    The Frugal Girl » Report on my goals, the second edition

    Tuesday 3rd of March 2009

    [...] I just realized today that it’s March, which means that I’m due to update on my goals again.  You can read the original goal post here. [...]

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