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Some things that are making me happy

Mondays always seem like a good time to make a list of things you’re grateful for, right?

Like all of you, I could effortlessly make a list of things that aren’t making me happy.

But finding the things that are bringing me joy takes more intentionality.

They’re there, of course; they just don’t usually end up front and center by default.

Thus, the list-making.

(for more on that, read “Looking at the bright side is so unrealistic!”)

Lisey’s learner’s license came in the mail.

It arrived more slowly than promised, so we had to cancel and reschedule her training/paperwork day at her new job.

(She needs a photo ID to get the paperwork done, and since she doesn’t have a student ID, we really needed the learner’s permit!)

But it finally hit our mailbox, which means she can go this week for training.

Dogwood trees and other such blossoms

The view outside my kitchen is so pretty.   And when I go for walks with Mr. FG, there are blossoming trees everywhere!

The promise of rain

The smaller trees don’t seem to be a huge allergy problem for Sonia; it’s mainly the oak trees, which comprise about 98.2% of the trees on our street.

They’re letting off serious clouds of yellow pollen right now, but happily, we are supposed to get some rain today.   That helps so, so much.

Normally, I don’t hope for rain, but at this time of year, I hope and pray to see big green splotches on the weather radar!

Egg-dying without me

I’ve had some egg dying kits in my Easter box for years and years, but somehow, I never got around to using the kits with my kids.

This year, Sonia and Zoe found the kits and went ahead and dyed eggs with very little help from me.

(Which, honestly, was probably the only way it was going to happen, based on my track record!)

Egg-hunting with Sonia and Zoe

Joshua and Lisey are happy to eat Easter candy, of course, but they haven’t been into the egg-hunting thing for a few years.

Sonia and Zoe are still going strong, though.

We had to do our hunt inside due to the pollen, but an upside is that there are so many great places to hide eggs inside.

My crowning achievement this year was hiding a light pink egg inside one of the tulip blossoms pictured at the top of this post.   It was one of the last eggs to be found. 😉

easter eggs

A Sunday bike ride with Mr. FG

It was really, really warm yesterday.   Kind of hot, actually.

But once the sun went down a bit, Mr. FG and I went out for a bike ride and it was perfect…enough breeze to be pleasant, and not too cold or too hot.

An easy Easter dinner with my family

It was just the six of us here this year, so I bought a smallish ham, which we ate cold (none of us are big fans of hot ham, and cold ham is easier anyway.)

I also made a batch of honey-glazed pan rolls (so good!) which we topped with cinnamon butter. And we had oranges and strawberries as well.

I bought some asparagus, intending to serve it with the ham, but I ran out of motivation to cook it.   So maybe we’ll eat that tonight.

(A sign that you are more of a baker than a cook: you have motivation to make yeast rolls from scratch, but then you decide not to cook the asparagus. Even though asparagus is legitimately easier! )

Your turn!

If you could use a little thankfulness boost, make your own list in the comments.   I’d love to read about what’s making you happy today.


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    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    I am thankful for: --my mom visiting --beautiful weather --yummy dinners planned --park close by


    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    My youngest finally learned to ride a bike. He wouldn't even get on a bike 2 weeks ago. He didn't like the "ride along" things and he has been too tall for a bike trailer for a long time. At 8 he was a slow bloomer but now that he got over the learning curve he can go a long way. We did a 3 mile family bike ride last weekend. This really makes my heart happy that as a family we can do one of our favorite things.


    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    1. All the blooming bulbs in my yard. The tulips and daffodils are so cheery. 2. A husband who made real food for our family while I was sick this weekend - minestrone and roasted Brussels sprouts. 3. Good friends I can share the hard things in life with as well as the good. 4. That taxes are over for another year. 5. That I live in a country where I can improve my own life. I watched a couple of heartbreaking documentaries while sick on poorer parts of the world and it's important to remind myself (especially when I'm frustrated by the lack of change in some areas of my life) that I have so, so much more opportunity and agency than so many people in this world.


    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    I planted tulips last year and they are blooming. The petals start a bright sunny yellow and gradually turn apricot then a mellow orange. There are 25 of them so they make a pretty bright spot outside my window (and inside of me!)


    Monday 17th of April 2017

    1. I spent Sunday so happy --probably because I spent Saturday with less that good perspective. The days that we mishandled can either lead us to a bad habit or a better day. 2. COFFEE-isn't it just the best? 3. A cloudy ,rainy day that created an excuse not to do yard work and not enough sun to see any accumulated dust in the house. 4.The seamstress that altered several of my jackets...beautiful work....I am fashion ready for.spring/summer 2017! 5. The great team I work with...they are the best.

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