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Something to do with your homemade yogurt

or with your store-bought yogurt, for that matter!

Yogurt smoothies are by far the most common thing we do with our yogurt. A strawberry-banana one is pictured above. To make these, I put about half a quart of yogurt in my blender. I then top it with frozen fruit(most often frozen bananas and strawberries), and sometimes a bit of orange juice concentrate or a little vanilla and sugar. I blend it all up, and it turns into a lovely, creamy, frozen concoction that can actually be eaten with a spoon. If you use fresh bananas, it will be a drinkable smoothie consistency. And since most any frozen or fresh fruit can be added, this is a nice way to use up miscellaneous bits of fruit you have sitting around.

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    The Frugal Girl » Breakfast, lunch, and my grocery budget

    Monday 4th of May 2009

    [...] kids will sometimes eat leftovers at lunch as well.  A normal lunch for them, though, consists of fruit and yogurt smoothies(made from homemade yogurt, frozen fruit, bananas, and sometimes spinach), and bread(usually [...]


    Monday 4th of August 2008

    LOL Thanks for the encouragement, Lou! I do a method that's pretty similar to the one you're describing. Although, I've never managed to get it done in one day. :p


    Saturday 2nd of August 2008

    I'd love to have the book for my granddaughter.

    33 years ago I trained my son(aged 18mo) over a weekend. He was due Monday to start daycare that only accepted potty-trained tots. A gallon of apple juice, a slug of Oreos and my complete attention. "Today is a BIG DAY. Honey, you are big enough to do big boy bathroom like (name of older friend)" I told him. There was a book in that era called "potty training in a day," or somesuch. He was already dry through the night & I had begun taking him straight to the potty when he woke up. In my experience, once a child can consistently stay dry through the night, there's a good chance that the physiology for learning to stay dry during the day is in place. No point trying before that milestone - gotta have the synapses in place. (And if they aren't in place by 24-30 mo, talk to the pediatrician- don't blame the child for physiology).

    As I recall it, we stayed in the bathroom all day with a book & his favorite toys (& Mommy) and i gave him apple juice every 1/2 hour or so and put him in the potty chair about 15 min after each drink of juice. When sitting on chair coincided with tinkles, he got an Oreo. When he wet his pants, we said Ooops, then worked together to wash him, & change the pants and he put the wet pants in the hamper & used a tiny mop to "clean up" the wet on the floor. I think he "got it" in about 4 hours, but we took a lunch break & went back in.

    He had a couple of "accidents" at daycare, but they also had the mop & tidy format there. At home, he was pretty much done.

    i will mention that I was raised in a home where the attitude was "If you haven't figured it out by the first day of school, by the second day you'll get it" meaning I guess peer pressure & shaming will come then, but here we do what we can & don't worry about it.

    To all the moms out there just embarking, I say look around you at the dumbest, least co-ordinated people you know. If they could learn this, surely your sweet baby can, too.

    Peace, Lou

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