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Stitch Fix Review, the second (October 2017)

I’m currently giving Stitch Fix a try, using their “The cheaper, the better” option as a price point.And every month, I’m un-professionally modeling what Stitch Fix sends me.   Stitch Fix has not sponsored these posts, and I’m not working with them.   Links are the same referral links every Stitch Fix customer gets.

My second box from Stitch Fix arrived this week!

Getting a box of clothes in the mail IS pretty enjoyable, I have to say. So fun to see what shows up!

Want to see what I got?

(Of course you do. Otherwise you would have clicked away by now. 😉 )

First up is this gray top ($38).


This is my favorite thing from the whole fix. I love the boat-ish neck, and I like that the top is kind of like a sweatshirt, but a little bit more dressed up.

So, I’m gonna keep this one.

This next top ($34) is pretty cute, and I like the v-neck.

But, I feel like it’s just a little too wide in the torso area…I think I could have gone down a size.

Also, it’s a 3/4 sleeve shirt, and while I love the way those look, I find them to be rather impractical. The weather is almost always too hot or too cold for those sleeves, and it’s super annoying to try to put a jacket or sweater on over 3/4 sleeves.

So, this one is going back.

This olive striped sweater ($54) was comfy, and a fairly good fit.

The arms were a little tight, though.

And I’m not sure about the elbow patches.

Plus, I really, really do not think I look that good in crew necks.   V-necks, boat necks, scoop necks, yes.

Crew necks, not so much.

So, I’m sending this back.

My last top is a Stitch Fix exclusive ($54).

I like the neckline of this top, but that is it.     I feel like the yoke and the body of the shirt don’t match, and I’m not a fan of the patterns to begin with.

The reactions of my family members were similarly unenthusiastic.

Mr. FG: “I don’t think you’re allowed to be married to me if you wear that.   It looks like a maternity shirt.”

Joshua: “I’m going to leave home if you keep that shirt.”

Lisey: “Mom, no. And why is it two colors?”

Tell me how you really feel, guys!

Spoiler alert: I am not keeping this one.

Lastly, I got a pair of black skinny jeans ($78).

As you may recall, last month I kept a pair of similarly priced jeggings, and I have to say, I can definitely see a big difference between them and my cheaper skinny jeans/jeggings.

I can’t tell about the longevity yet, of course (which will be very relevant in determining whether the higher price is worth it), but the fabric on these more expensive jeans is a lot thicker and also much more stretchy.

Like, when I sit down in them, they don’t pull at the waist, and it’s also way easier to bend my knees.

So, the higher price point is giving me a more comfortable wearing experience, which is worth something even aside from the longevity possibilities, and I find myself reaching for the comfy, stretchy, more expensive jeans instead of my cheaper jeans.

I didn’t think I’d ever be a person who pays more than $25-$30 for a pair of jeans, but boy, I sure do find these more expensive jeans to be a whole different experience.


So. I’m definitely keeping the gray top, and, um, I think I’m going to keep the black jeans too. Then I’ll have a stretchy blue pair and a stretchy black pair, which means I won’t have to wear my less-fabulous jeans all that often. 😉

The total for the whole fix this time if I bought all five pieces would have been $173 ($34.70 per item), which is definitely less than my last fix.

And $34.70 per item is really not an insanely high price (unless you’re used to clearance/Goodwill shopping. Ha.)

If you’d like to try Stitch Fix, here’s my referral link. I think maybe you get a complimentary styling fee or something like that (let me know!).

What do you think of this fix?   Would you have made the same decisions I did?

Thanks to Joshua for snapping photos of me for this post.


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    Rhonda Grice

    Tuesday 2nd of January 2018

    I agree with you on the elbow patches. I think it would have been cute IF the color of patch had been charcoal or white. The brown was ugly!

    My husband bought me a sewing machine for Christmas so I'm going to try and learn how to make some clothes this year. Should be interesting! Anyway, you make a great model!


    Tuesday 2nd of January 2018

    Aw, thank you!

    Kristi Miller

    Monday 30th of October 2017

    I completely agreed with your choices. I would have had the same thought process with the price of the pants but they look great on you, you made the right decision. Looking at your review reminded me to add in my notes to stylist , no horizontal stripes or 3/4 sleeves.

    Thank you for this review, it was very helpful!


    Monday 30th of October 2017

    Def striped shirt, maroon shirt and black jeans. No gray sweater and maternity shirt. Do not like the gray one you picked, it hits you wrong at the bottom and makes your chest look small.

    Diane C

    Thursday 16th of November 2017

    Marinell, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but the words you chose perhaps reflect you more than Kristen. Keep reading along here and Kristen's consistently kind ways might just be a perfect tutorial. So much to learn here at Chez FG!

    Randi MacDonald

    Sunday 29th of October 2017

    I was at my friends when she received a box and wow, I was shocked at how much the pieces were. Especially since a cheap pair of costume jewelry was 28.00. I don't think I could spend so much per piece. I'm a huge bargain shopper. The shirt I'm wearing was 8.00 at Old Navy and my shorts from Kohls were about 20.00.


    Friday 27th of October 2017

    It's funny how different clothes and designs appeal to different people. I think the grey top looks good on you and looks very useful, I didn't like the v-neck top on you; the arm stripe made it a bit reminiscent of high school sports team top for me. I thought yhe olive stripe top was bland and didn't do that much for you but I thought the two- pattern top looked sensational on you; different, dressy but you have to wear what YOU feel right in and if your family opposes it that much you won't enjoy wearing it. The jeans look really practical and will last you a few years I think. There is a time to be really frugal and I have bought many items from op-shops that have lasted me for years and I can't afford designer clothing but I am surprised by the comments regarding clothing prices, you would rarely find really nice new tops for less where I live unless on sale online and I guess I think too if you MADE a top like that would you be prepared to sell it for less than you paid. Corporations sometimes mark up clothes 90% while the people who made them earn a daily pittance, I think living frugally shouldn't result in someone else living in poverty. Often in the Western culture we want dirt cheap products and high wages for all but life doesn't work like that so we have China the world's factory using pretty much slave labour so we can live a privileged life. It's also interesting to note some of the product recalls that have been made of cheap clothing containing carcinogenic dyes. I can't always find clothes ethically made but for me living frugally is more about consuming less, wasting less, and spending thoughtfully with a plan instead of impulse buys, I have reduced my wardrobe enormously and have far more outfit choices just by learning to build a working wardrobe and refusing to buy anything 'because the price is so good" it has to be something I know I will want to wear until it starts looking to tatty and for me sometimes that means spending more.

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