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stream of consciousness

(brought to you by a tonsillectomy)

Lisey is still recuperating from having her tonsils out.   She was doing a bit better for a day or two there (she ate a bowl of macaroni and cheese yesterday!), but today is not going so well.

wild flowers

(flowers picked for Lisey by two of her little cousins)

On day 6, scar tissue begins to form, and the pain gets temporarily worse.   So, we know why she feels bad, and we know there’s nothing exactly wrong, but that doesn’t make it pleasant.

Poor kiddo.   I know how awful this feels.

Hopefully she’ll be on a permanent upswing shortly, once we get past this scar tissue pain.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fast-forward button to press at times like these??


One small nice thing about tonsillectomy recovery is that Lisey’s not contagious like she’d be if she had pneumonia or some other illness.   She can have visits from friends and family without any fear of infecting them, and I can take care of her without doing excessive hand-washing and all that.


Regarding math…Sonia and Zoe are DONE for the year.   They doubled up on lessons for the last few weeks so that they could get done earlier, and their math sprint is now finished.

I might be just as delighted as they are.   We made it!

saxon math 76

Sonia and Zoe are totally done with school now, except for finishing up our science.   We got a little woefully behind, so only 8/14 chapters are completed.


But since everything else is done now, it’ll be pretty easy to get through a lot of science each day, and I think we’ll be done in a few weeks.

Lisey’s going to finish her last few subjects a bit later because she missed some days of school due to trips, and now due to her tonsils.


I think that’s about all my tired brain has to say for right now.   But I have high hopes of getting back into the blogging saddle this week, especially since less schoolwork is on my plate now.

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    Tuesday 14th of June 2016

    Is Algebra really a college course? My kids took Algebra in 8th grade. I can't imagine taking Algebra in college.


    Tuesday 14th of June 2016

    Joshua already did high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. This past semester, he took a class at the college, called College Algebra. It's definitely not the same stuff you take in 8th grade, and it's a class you take before you take Calculus at the college level.


    Thursday 26th of May 2016

    I can't tell you how much admire you and how you are raising your children and homeschooling them.I am grandma age now (but no grandkids yet!) and look back and wish so much I had homeschooled my son.. hindsight is 20/20-- but here you are, in the trenches,day in,day out, and I want you to know I love your stories and sharing. Your posts remind me of the days when we were a young family, those days do go by fast (even though it does not seem like it now!) and you will cherish this time forever after they are grown!! Kudos to you!!! The time we spend on "family" is golden...


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    I am fascinated by your homeschool experience. What did Joshua think of being in a classroom for the first time? (Although I know college classes are very different from k12.) Is he planning to finish the associates degree when he finishes high school?


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    I think he felt like he experienced a mix of upsides and downsides. He was pretty surprised at how many kids weren't taking things seriously or turning things in on time too. When you're a homeschooler just entering college, you REALLY REALLY take due dates and such as law. Heh. I was the same way.

    And he discovered that the professor makes a world of difference in how helpful and good the class is. For his math class, things weren't terribly different than homeschool...he mostly learned on his own by watching the videos and reading the book.

    But in his music class, his professor really got him excited about the material and his horizons broadened in a way they wouldn't have with a less enthusiastic professor.

    Right now the plan is to finish his associates degree there and then transfer to a four-year university.


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    I hope Lisey feels better!


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    Sending happy thoughts to Lisey for a speedy recovery!

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