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On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Not to toot my own horn (ok, that IS what I’m doing.), but I got rid of so much stuff yesterday!

goodwill donation bag

Between Goodwill and Freecycle (mostly freecycle), I gave away tons of books, a game, some toys, some clothes, an outgrown hockey stick, and more.

I listed a few things on and ebay as well, one of which sold overnight and needs to be shipped today.   Yay!

Aaand, today I am dropping Joshua’s old bed off for one of my small nephews.   I’m a little sad to see it go because it’s such a great, solid bed, but I’m glad it’s at least staying in the family.   😉

I really, really love decluttering.   And I especially love it when I can match my stuff up with someone who wants it.

(That’s why Freecycle is always my first stop.   Someone might buy my stuff at a thrift store, but Freecycle guarantees my things will go to someone who wants them.)


P.S. I made lots of great progress on my to-do list yesterday.   So maybe, just maybe, I will actually get around to helping S&Z declutter their room this week.   Hoping!

P.P.S. Did I start on my photo book?   Nooo.

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    Leesha @ Living Contently

    Thursday 28th of August 2014

    I am the same way! Whether I'm planning to get rid of just a few things or doing a major clean out, it always ends up being an "addictive" process where once I get started, I can't stop. It's so nice getting things cleaned out and sending them on to be used by others. :)

    Diane C

    Tuesday 26th of August 2014

    Sorry, I can't get behind people who advocate putting random stuff out on the curb UNLESS they leave it out for a very brief period, say 24 hours max. I hate it when people put out skanky stuff and leave it there endlessly. Watching crap deteriorate day after day just makes me sad and cranky.

    OTOH, I volunteer at our library's book sales. Lately, we've been giving away duplicate books on freecycle. It's a win-win. Some people get free books and everyone learns about the upcoming sale at the library.


    Wednesday 27th of August 2014

    I love curb finds! I've gotten a nice rocking chair, coffee table, bookshelves, and more from the curb in my neighborhood. Last week a neighbor put a bunch of Little Tikes toys out on the curb and I brought them home, bleached 'em, and my kids were thrilled. When I have things I no longer use, I set them out at the curb and they're usually gone within a few hours. If it's still there by the end of the day, I'll stick it in my garage and put it back out the next day. Scrappers drive through our neighborhood several times a week too, and they pick up old microwaves, lamps, and any other metal stuff to sell at the metal recycling center in my town.


    Tuesday 26th of August 2014

    But if it's a neighborhood like the one my reader lives in, where things get taken really promptly, I see no issue with taking that route. Easy peasy and someone is happy to get what you wanted to get rid of!


    Tuesday 26th of August 2014

    Lately I have been using my curb as my own "Freecycle". I just stick things on the curb, and usually within 24 hours they are GONE! Just within a few weeks I've gotten rid of two suitcases, a horrible vacuum cleaner, and a bunch of old light fixtures that were up in our attic. I love getting rid of stuff, but I don't like the hassle of Freecycle, and only use it if what I'm getting rid of is too small to put on the curb.

    Frugal Paragon

    Tuesday 26th of August 2014

    I feel the same way about Freecycle! I love knowing that someone actually has it. Don't get me wrong, I love Goodwill, too, and shop there often (there's a nice one in biking distance of my house), but Freecycle is better for some things. My favorite Freecycling experience was a bassinet that I picked up through FC, used for three months, then re-listed when baby outgrew it. Let's keep it moving, people! :-)


    Tuesday 26th of August 2014

    Fabulous! I listed our old dining room table on Craigslist and it sold for the full asking price. I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD. :) A pile of other stuff went to Goodwill.

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