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Summer Bucket List for 2014

Every summer I like to make a list of things I want to do before summer “kicks the bucket” so to speak.

(This is not a real bucket list, which is a list of things you want to do before YOU kick the bucket.)

Children playing outside on a summer evening.

My lists are usually a mixture of things I want to get done (because during the school year, I am so busy homeschooling, I don’t have time to get a lot of other things done!) and fun things I want to make time for (because we have more time for fun things when we’re not doing school.)

1. Declutter my house from top to bottom.

During the school year, clutter slowly builds up and every summer, I like to get rid of it so that we start the school year with a fresh, clean house.

A cluttered under sink cabinet.

I think every year I realize that I need less and less stuff and I have more of a burning desire to be free of it.   So, it’s not so much that I keep adding junk to our house each year (although I’m sure I do add some), it’s that I want less and less of the stuff I do have every year.

Also, some of what needs to be decluttered is stuff that we no longer need because my kids grow and move on to new stages (clothes, toys, and so on.)

2. Paint Joshua’s room and new loft bed.

We bought a loft bed off of Craig’s list for Joshua last fall, and I want to paint it and get it installed into his room.   We’re going to screw it into the studs for extra sturdiness, and so I’m going to repaint his walls before we install the loft bed (he wants a new color and it makes sense to do it before we put the bed in!)

3. Play in the water twice a week.

We’ve got several pools we can frequent, plus a sprinkler and slip and side, and I want to make time for that during the hot weather.

Zoe with braided pigtails and swim goggles.

4. Say yes to sleepovers.

These are harder to do during the school year, but during the summer, we’re going to invite friends for sleepovers.

5. Go biking at least once a week.

Zoe especially is a huge fan of biking and she’s not old enough to take off and ride on her own.   So I need to make time to take her (and other interested kids) out to ride.

6. Visit the library every other week.

We don’t do formal schooling during the summer, but my kids love to read just for fun, and I want to keep them supplied with books, books, and more books.

7. Redo chore lists.

I did this last summer, but I like to revisit these every year because my kids’ skills change in a year and I can give them each a little bit more responsibility.   😉

8. Plan school for next year and buy curriculum.

This is pretty self-explanatory. Kind of needs to be done before summer is over.   😉

9. Write to my grandpa once a month.

I have two living grandparents…my mom’s mom and my dad’s dad.   My mom’s mom has a computer, so I can email with her (and she subscribes to my blog too!).   But my grandpa doesn’t do the whole internet thing, so I write him real, paper letters.

  10. Eat outside once a week.

This might be a little challenging come July, but maybe we can sneak in some cool morning outdoor breakfasts.

A breakfast picnic table.

11. Go fruit picking.


I could think of many more things to put on this list (especially things of the productive, to-do sort), but painting the room and bed are pretty big undertakings, and decluttering my whole house and organizing school for next year are also not small tasks.

So in order to leave time for the fun stuff on this list, I’m going to stop here!

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    Sunday 20th of July 2014

    Subscribing, Thank You


    Thursday 12th of June 2014

    -visit mom and dad in NC (road trip from Chicago area) -visit a few goodwill stores for school/etc clothes -sign-up kids for school -dental cleaning before school -swim twice a week sounds great! -jog five times a week -set up budget plan/overlook spending -get new library card (since we moved)


    Wednesday 11th of June 2014

    Thank you. I'd already made my list for the summer, but I called it "My Giant Summer To-Do List." It's all work. You've now inspired me to revise it to include some fun things that I just want to do to enjoy life and my family.


    Thursday 12th of June 2014

    That would be my own inclination too (Do All Of The Things), but I put fun things on my to-do list intentionally so that I don't just do a whole bunch of work all summer. My kids would sort of not appreciate that.


    Wednesday 11th of June 2014

    Who says you only need one "bucket" list that is just for before you kick the bucket?!? I love the idea of having a summer bucket list. I love having lists of things to do and then checking them off. Not only do lots of lists show me all I've accomplished, checking off items motivates me to do even more.


    Wednesday 11th of June 2014

    Lessee: you want to eat outsite but sometimes it'll be too hot; you want to play outside in the water, which is great when it is hot. These seem to be either/or scenarios. Maybe you could aim to do one or the other at least once a week.


    Thursday 12th of June 2014 all depends on the weather! I'll try to remember to eat outside when it's not so hot and play in the water when the weather is miserably hot.

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